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We give the Skoon Cat Litter a rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars.
Skoon Cat Litter is a brand of non-clumping cat litter that’s made with diatom pebbles, which is more environmentally friendly than other litter options. Diatom pebbles are also especially absorbent and porous, helping Skoon litter control odors and remain virtually dust-free. The company aims to offer eco-friendly, low-maintenance cat litter. On top of stand-alone products, they also offer a litter subscription service, so you don’t have to worry about continuously re-ordering cat litter. Skoon cat litter is made out of a unique material called non-calcined diatomaceous earth. Diatomaceous earth is a sedimentary rock that occurs naturally. It’s the fossilized remains of tiny organisms called diatoms. Skoon doesn’t treat their diatomaceous earth to high heat, which would cause it to be calcinated. This lack of heat-treating preserves the natural structure of the diatomaceous, making it very absorbent. This cat litter may also naturally contain amorphous silica and other minerals, which may provide further deodorizing properties. Simply put, Skoon cat litter is made from fossilized algae and is processed without high heat to maximize its ability to absorb liquids. Skoon cat litter appeals to many cat owners thanks to its universally loved properties. However, here’s a breakdown of who might love it more: If you fall into any of these categories, Skoon may be a solid option for you. There are some cat owners who may do better on a different brand. If you fall into these categories, you may want to look elsewhere: If you fall into these four categories, you may want to look elsewhere for cat litter. While Skoon is a very high-quality litter, it doesn’t work for everyone. Skoon cat litter has its own pros and cons. Just like every product on the market, it isn’t all positive (though it isn’t all negative, either). Skoon’s highly absorbent diatom pebbles effectively trap and neutralize odors. It’s a great option for multi-cat households or those struggling with litter box smells. It’s also made with all-natural materials, making it a good option for cat owners who want a cat litter that’s a bit more sustainable. Compared to traditional clay litters, Skoon has very little dust. It may be less likely to cause allergic reactions for this reason. Their disposable litter boxes are very travel-friendly and convenient. However, Skoon is more expensive than traditional cat litter. It also doesn’t clump, which may make cleaning it a bit more challenging. Its lightweight nature makes it easier for it to track. If your cat is very playful, they may kick it out of the litter box easier. Some cats also just dislike the litter. I’ve had many cats that just don’t like anything but clay litter. Skoon’s main focus is on three major products. We’ve reviewed each below: Skoon Original Cat Litter is an all-natural litter made from diatom pebbles. This unique material provides excellent odor control and low dust, making it perfect for cat owners who prefer a more eco-friendly litter material. However, since it doesn’t clump, Skoon requires more frequent litter changes. This litter works great when odors are a primary concern. If you have a particularly stinky cat or multiple cats, this cat litter can help prevent odors from seeping into your house. The low dust is another huge plus. Many cat owners reported that their felines seemed to track less litter, which is likely due to the low-dust formulation. The biggest thing to keep in mind is that this litter doesn’t clump, though. You’ll need to change the litter completely more often, but your daily scooping will be shorter. This can be a drawback for pet owners who prefer more regular scooping and less complete changes. This litter is also more expensive than your average, traditional clay litter. Skoon’s disposable litter boxes are a convenient option for cat owners who prioritize odor control and convenience. These litter boxes are pre-filled with Skoon’s absorbent litter, eliminating the need for filling the litter box. However, disposable boxes can be more expensive to use and will create more waste than traditional boxes. Luckily, this litter box is lightweight, so carrying it full of litter isn’t a huge problem. Skoon’s lightweight litter really shows through when used in conjunction with this box. The odor control is also impressive, as you might expect from this company. Compared to traditional litter boxes, Skoon’s disposable box is more convenient. However, the cost adds up quickly, and many owners may be concerned about the environmental impact. Plus, the size can be a bit limiting for larger cats like Maine Coons. If convenience and odor control are your main concerns, the Skoon Disposable Litter Box is a great choice, especially for travel situations. However, for budget-conscious cat owners, a traditional box may be a more practical solution. Skoon Fine Grain Cat Litter is a non-clumping litter that’s compatible with self-cleaning litter boxes. Its fine-grain texture works well with automatic scooping mechanisms, but it can be messy in traditional boxes due to tracking. Plus, we found Skoon Fine Grain to be more expensive than similar clay litters. According to many reports, the automatic scooping mechanisms work great with this cat litter. The odor control is impressive, as you’d expect from Skoon. However, because this litter is so fine and lightweight, it tends to get tracked more than other litter. You may have to do more sweeping around the litter box, especially if your box is completely open. This litter often works better in a closed box. At the very least, you should consider getting a mat to go around your litter box to prevent tracking. If you’re looking for a natural, non-clumping litter that works well with your self-cleaning litter box, Skoon Fine Grain is a great option. Just be aware of the potential for messiness outside of the box and the higher cost compared to traditional clay litter. We checked several online reviews for Skoon so that you don’t have to. Most users online appeared to like the cat litter. They loved the odor control. For instance, one user said, “There’s no strong ammonia smell, but when they poop, it will smell for a couple of minutes before the litter dries it out.” They were pretty diligent about scooping, though. Most users scooped everyday or every other day, changing the whole litter box every two weeks or so. That said, this litter is exceptionally expensive, and it was mentioned by several users. One review consisted of “it is expensive, but it works really well for me and my two cats.” Tracking was also a common issue. One user found that their cat tracked litter onto almost every surface of their home, which caused them to eventually stop using the product. Several also complained about the customer service and website: “The customer service and the website aren’t great, so it was difficult for me to actually cancel my subscription.” You may want to purchase through a third party like Amazon to avoid these issues. Reviews on Amazon were fairly similar. You can read these by clicking here. People loved the odor control abilities of this box. However, you do need to stir it daily. Stirring brings the urine-soaked pellets to the top, allowing them to dry out and mix with other pellets. This litter doesn’t clump, so stirring is how you’ll keep it fresh. Many users reported that they didn’t have any issue with tracking, so it may depend largely on the litterbox you own. Some cats also just don’t like it. As we said above, some cats have a very strict preference for their cat litter. They may refuse to use this cat litter altogether. Skoon cat litter is a unique option for cat owners who prioritize odor control. It’s made from diatom pebbles, allowing it to absorb and control odors better than many other cat litter out there. There are also several products for you to choose from, depending on your needs. If you’re looking for a natural product that provides tons of odor control, Skoon cat litter may be a solid option. The disposable litter box also works well for busy cat owners, and the fine-grain cat litter is perfect for self-cleaning litter boxes. However, you will be paying more for this cat litter, and the non-scooping litter requires daily stirring. You may also have a problem with tracking, especially with the smaller litter grain. See Also: At a Glance: The Best Skoon Cat Products:
Skoon Original Cat Litter
Skoon Disposable Litter Box
Skoon Fine Grain Cat Litter
Skoon Cat Litter Reviewed
What is Skoon Cat Litter Made of?
Who Is Skoon Cat Litter Best Suited For?
Who Might Do Better with a Different Brand?
Is Skoon Cat Litter Good?
A Quick Look at Skoon Cat Litter
Reviews of the 3 Best Skoon Cat Litter Products
1. Skoon Original Cat Litter
2. Skoon Disposable Litter Box
3. Skoon Fine Grain Cat Litter
What Other Users Are Saying