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Can Cats Eat Blackberries? Vet-Reviewed Facts & Safety Information

Written by: Christian Adams

Last Updated on June 30, 2024 by Catster Editorial Team


Can Cats Eat Blackberries? Vet-Reviewed Facts & Safety Information


Dr. Maja Platisa Photo


Dr. Maja Platisa

DVM MRCVS (Veterinarian)

The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research.

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Unlike dogs, cats are extremely fussy eaters, so you don’t often have to worry about them chowing down on something they aren’t supposed to. Some cats will surprise you, though, and they’ll eat things you wouldn’t think they’d like—such as blackberries.

Of course, this can cause immediate panic, as every time your cat eats something new and unexpected, you immediately begin to worry about whether the new food will poison them or not.

Fortunately, blackberries are safe for cats to eat, so don’t worry if your kitty has batted a piece of fruit off your plate and absconded with it.

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Are Blackberries Safe for Cats?

Blackberries in a bowl
Image Credit: Vipvit, Shutterstock

There is nothing about a blackberry that is toxic for your cat, so there’s no need to worry about them eating one. They should be perfectly fine, although they may have an upset stomach if they scarf down too many.

There’s no cause for concern if they find wild blackberries, either. The leaves stems, and roots of the plant are just as safe for cats as the fruit, so you can let them munch their way through your blackberry patch to their heart’s content.

There is one thing to be concerned about, though: choking. Blackberries are the perfect size and shape to block your cat’s throat and windpipe, so monitor them the entire time they eat the fruit.

If you’re serving them blackberries, make sure you quarter them first. The pieces need to be bite-sized and preferably not round in order to keep your kitty safe.

Remember that cats are obligate carnivores, so even if they’ll eat these nutritious fruits, blackberries shouldn’t be a substitute for meat. You’ll also need to thoroughly wash the fruit to remove any traces of pesticide, herbicide, or other chemicals.

Do Blackberries Have Any Health Benefits for Cats?

Yes, but don’t count too much on them. The amount of blackberries a cat should eat is quite small, and it’s unlikely they will reap any significant benefits, but it will certainly add a little bonus to their main nutrients from a balanced and complete diet.

Blackberries are one of the most nutritious foods on the planet, and they’re as good for your cat as they are for you.

One of the most significant benefits of eating blackberries is the fact that they’re jam-packed with antioxidants. These compounds enter the body and fight free radicals, which are responsible for all sorts of damage to your body.

There are limited studies into the effects and potential benefits of antioxidants in our feline and canine companions, mainly focusing on osteoarthritis, canine cognitive dysfunction, and kidney disease, but there is a lot of interest in the field, and surely more research will be conducted in the coming years.

Blackberries are also loaded with fiber, so your cat will thank you for sharing your breakfast the next time you change the litter box. You can find vitamins C, K, and E inside. Cats do make their own vitamin C and do not have a dietary requirement for it unless they are suffering from a chronic or severe illness.

3 Black Berries
Image Credit: pixel2013, Pixabay

How Do I Convince My Cat to Eat Blackberries?

First off, you should be familiar enough with cats by this point to understand that you don’t convince cats to do anything. You simply beg and bargain, and then they do whatever they were planning on doing anyway.

That goes for eating blackberries as well. Some cats enjoy the taste while others don’t, so if your cat turns their nose up at the fruit, there may not be anything you can do about it.

If your cat enjoys the taste, it may be as simple as offering them a few pieces of the cut-up fruit. You can also offer them blackberry yogurt or crush up some blackberry pieces and put them in their bowl. However, yogurt as a dairy product may cause a stomach upset, as most cats are lactose intolerant.

Your cat may refuse to eat blackberries, and that’s fine; don’t try to force them. It’s not a huge loss if they refuse, as they’re still better off eating a lean cut of beef or chicken.

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Summing Up

Blackberries are perfectly safe for cats, so there’s no reason to panic if you see your kitty eating some. In fact, they’re extremely nutritious, and if anything, you should try to coax your cat into giving the fruit a try.

You may not have any luck getting your cat to eat a blackberry or two, but that’s okay—it just means there’s more left over for you.

Featured Image Credit: CC0 Public Domain, Pxhere

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