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What Kind of Cat Breed is Ferguson in New Girl? Feline Celebrities Facts

Written by: Christian Adams

Last Updated on June 20, 2024 by Catster Editorial Team

What Kind of Cat Breed is Ferguson in New Girl? Feline Celebrities Facts

If you’re a fan of the sitcom New Girl, you’re probably a fan of the cat Ferguson. Even if you’ve never seen the show, he’s worth checking out since he’s adorable. If you want to find out his breed, you’re in the right place.

Ferguson, the cat from New Girl, is an Exotic Shorthair. They are fantastic apartment cats if you can handle a little neediness. Let’s learn more about the Exotic Shorthair breed and fun facts about Ferguson.

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The Exotic Shorthair


When considering the history of cat breeds, Exotic Shorthairs haven’t been around for very long. They were bred by accident in the 1960s from Persians and American Shorthairs. They more closely resembled the former and were originally silver.

This lovely color was so beautiful that they almost named this breed the Sterling Shorthair, but luckily, they went with exotic. We say “luckily” because the name wouldn’t be accurate now as they are now bred in several colors, including tabby, like Ferguson.

Shorthair cat
Image Credit: Robyn Randell, Pixabay


These teddy bear cats have solid, compactly built bodies under their squishy faces. They are bred in several colors. The original was silver, but there are now red tabby, brown tabby, and bicolor cats. The Exotic Shorthair is a very nice-looking cat with a distinct, flat face.

Garfield, Ferguson, and many other famous cats are Exotic Shorthairs or their close relative, Persians.


They aren’t the chattiest cats in the world, but they are incredibly loyal and affectionate. Exotic Shorthairs mostly want to sit in your lap and be loved all day. They have a lovely, docile temperament, but Ferguson was notoriously moody—more on that below. The Exotic Shorthair is known for being very playful and remaining that way well into their adult years.

Exotic Shorthair Cat
Image Credit: Thanakorn Kosalakorn, Shutterstock


As the name clearly states, the Exotic Shorthair is a cat with a short coat. The nice thing is that they don’t require as much attention in the grooming department as their long-haired cousins. In fact, they’ve been dubbed “The Lazy Man’s Persian.”

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Fun Ferguson Facts

As we mentioned, Ferguson was a notoriously moody cat, even though that is not necessarily typical of the breed. Maybe it’s a Hollywood thing—we don’t understand the trials and rigors that come with fame and the spotlight—so who are we to judge? Ferguson was quite demanding, and there were several times the production crew had to shift the film schedule to accommodate him.

It’s a little bewildering to think about how much money would be involved in a production of that scale that they could bend to the will of this cat. Another fun fact about Ferguson is that his name is Ferguson in real life.

Lamorne Morris, the actor who plays Ferguson’s owner in the show, is actually allergic to cats—talk about occupational hazards!

close up of Exotic Shorthair Tabby Cat in black brackground
Image Credit: Seregraff, Shutterstock



If you’re a fan of the show New Girl, you’re probably already familiar with Ferguson and can spot an Exotic Shorthair from a mile away. However, Ferguson doesn’t accurately represent the breed’s temperament. Sure, cats are individuals with their own personalities, but Exotic Shorthairs are loving, gentle animals that prefer to spend the day by your side.

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Featured Image Credit: Characters by  Elizabeth Meriwether Pictures,  20th Television,  property of  The Walt Disney Company.  All rights reserved to the copyright owners.

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