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What are Police Cats? 6 Interesting Facts

Written by: Kristin Hitchcock

Last Updated on June 26, 2024 by Catster Editorial Team

police cat

What are Police Cats? 6 Interesting Facts

Everyone has heard of police dogs, but what about police cats? Police cats don’t perform the same jobs as dogs. They can’t exactly chase after the bad guys or anything. However, a few police departments around the world take advantage of a cat’s unique abilities to serve the community better.

Let’s take a look at the jobs of police cats around the world and how they are primarily utilized.

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The 6 Police Cat Facts

1. Where Are Police Cats?

Police cats are most popular in the UK, though they have dropped in popularity over the last few decades. Police cats were commonly referred to as “station cats.” Their main job was to keep the mouse population under control while in the station.

With more modern means of pest control, cats aren’t used quite as much anymore. However, many departments still have a traditional station cat, even if they aren’t catching as many mice. Police cats are most common in rural areas, where cats and mice are easier to come by.

While mouse-catching was their original purpose, many cats are now mostly therapy animals. They provide stress relief to the officers.

police cat
Image by: MEZHUL IGOR, Shutterstock

2. What Do Police Cats Do?

Police cats used to catch mice in the station. Before modern pest control techniques, cats were the best option for keeping the mice population under control.

Today, many police cats serve as stress relief for busy officers. The cats offer playtime and companionship to officers who may otherwise be stressed out. For this reason, many police cats are on the more lovable side.

Some cats work as “mascots.” This is the case of the Boston Police Department, which has a mascot for its SWAT base. They have even installed a kitty condo to make the cat more comfortable. Again, these cats work more as stress relief than anything.

3. Can Cats Sniff Out Drugs?

Occasionally, cats are trained to sniff out contraband, including drugs. There are even cadaver cats that search for dead bodies. Cats have a similar sense of smell to dogs, so that isn’t surprising.

Cats are also used to sniff out more niche items, like illegal animal parts. For instance, Beluga caviar is illegal to own. In some areas, cats are used to sniff out this popular black-market item, and it is particularly common in Russia. Cats usually don’t need to be trained for this job. They like finding fish!

Some cats have even died in Russia while on the job; they were killed by gangs who were trying to escape from the police.

4. Police Cats Receive a Lot of Press

Because they are uncommon, police cats receive a lot of press. Many show up regularly in media posts. New Zealand has two police cats that are celebrities in their own right. They have social media pages and receive regular stories on the local media.

The same is true for police cats in the United States. If your local department has a police cat, don’t be surprised if you see stories about them on the news.

5. Do Police Cats Have Uniforms?

Yes, police cats usually have uniforms. There isn’t an “official” uniform for police cats, and most are not particularly practical. However, many departments feel the need to make their station cat stand out a bit from the crowd and pick up a uniform for them.

The cats may not wear their uniforms very often, but they can be helpful for public events. During special events or appearances, the cats wear their uniforms.

cat wearing police suit
Image By: Viktoriya5555, Shutterstock

6. Why Aren’t Police Cats More Common?

There are several reasons why police cats may not be as popular as dogs. First, they are not capable of performing many of the crime-fighting jobs that dogs do. They aren’t big enough to chase down a criminal or restrain them.

Secondly, cats aren’t as trainable as dogs in most cases. Many are intelligent enough to learn tricks but aren’t as reliable as dogs. In crime-fighting, following commands is often a matter of life or death.

See also:

Featured Image Credit: osobystist, Shutterstock

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