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200+ Mexican Cat Names: Great Ideas for Your Amazing Cat

Written by: Christian Adams

Last Updated on June 21, 2024 by Catster Editorial Team

tabby cat wearing a mexican sombrero hat

200+ Mexican Cat Names: Great Ideas for Your Amazing Cat

If you’re looking for an interesting and unusual name for your feline, a Mexican cat name is the way to go. There are many Mexican names and words out there that make great cat names—you just have to know where to look.

There are some Mexican cat breeds that these names are particularly well-suited to. However, even if your cat doesn’t belong to one of these breeds, a Mexican cat name may be a suitable option.

Below, we’ve made a list of our favorite Mexican cat names, as well as their meanings. We’ll also discuss how to go about naming your cat, which is actually quite difficult (as we’re sure you understand!).


How to Name Your Cat

Naming a cat is challenging for a number of reasons. Firstly, you have to find names that you like. Secondly, you can only choose one of these names. Once you find names that you do like, narrowing down the list is often very challenging. Plus, you also have to contend with other opinions in many cases. Friends and family members may have other names that they like.

Furthermore, you often don’t know much about your cat and their personality at first so you don’t exactly know what names may be fitting.

To name your cat quickly and efficiently we recommend making a master list of names that everyone likes. If you’re the only one involved in the cat’s naming, this step is especially easy. Next, narrow the list down to names that everyone can live with. Everyone doesn’t have to absolutely love each name, but they shouldn’t absolutely despise them, either.

Now, narrow the list down as much as possible. Maybe everyone only kind of likes one of the names.

You should end up with a small list of names that everyone likes a decent amount. Take the next few days to try each name out on your cat. It takes your cat a few weeks to learn a new name, so trying each name out for a day or two won’t confuse them.

However, it does give you a chance to actually use the names for your cat. You’ll find that some names just don’t fit. Plus, you’ll also learn more about your cat’s personality, which can also help you choose a name.

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Female Mexican Cat Names

There are many different Mexican names and words that would be fitting for your female feline. Here is a list of our favorites, though there are tons out there:

  • Aconcia: comet
  • Adriana
  • Amata: loved
  • Amor: love
  • Angel: angel
  • Anita
  • Antonella
  • Araceli
  • Baya: berry
  • Belinda
  • Bella
  • Blanca: white
  • Bricia: variant of Brigid
  • Brisa: breeze
  • Buena: good
  • Candela: candle
  • Carlotta
  • Carmen
  • Catalina
  • Chiquita
  • Cielo
  • Constanza
  • Consuela
  • Cornelia
  • Daniella
  • Delores
  • Dia: day
  • Dulcea: sweet
  • Elena
  • Elsa
  • Eriella: lioness
  • Esabella: devoted to God
  • Esmeralda
  • Fabiana
  • Felicia
  • Flor: flower
  • Francisca
  • Frederica
  • Fuensanta
a tabby cat lying on the floor
Image by: Inge Wallumrød, Pexels
  • Gabriela
  • Gata: female cat
  • Gloria
  • Graciela
  • Hada
  • Hija
  • Inez
  • Isabela
  • Isabella
  • Jacinda: hyacinth flower
  • Jade
  • Josefina
  • Julia
  • Lareina
  • Latoya: victorious
  • Lavada: pure
  • Lela
  • Leonora: bright
  • Leya: loyalty
  • Lindo: lovely
  • Lita
  • Lora: like the laurel
  • Loretta
  • Lucinda
  • Luna
  • Lupe
  • Luz
  • Macaria
  • Magdalena
  • Manuela
  • Marcela
  • Maria: mother of Jesus
  • Marta
  • Martina
  • Melosa
  • Mona
  • Niebla: fog
  • Nieve: snow
  • Nina: little girl
  • Nita
  • Osa: female bear
  • Paola
  • Playa: beach
  • Querida
  • Rafaela
  • Rima
  • Rosa
  • Rosita: little rose
  • Salsa
  • Sancha
  • Santana
  • Santina: little saint
  • Savannah
  • Selena: moon goddess
  • Senalda
  • Sonora
  • Teresa
  • Tia
  • Valencia
  • Ventura
  • Yolanda
  • Zanita
  • Zerlina
Image Credit: mama_mia, Shutterstock

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Male Mexican Names

If there are a lot of female names out there, then there are even more male names. No matter your cat’s personality or appearance, this list of names will have something for your feline.

  • Abejundio
  • Alejandro
  • Allegro: music
  • Alonso
  • Andrés
  • Ángel
  • Antonio
  • Armand
  • Armando
  • Bautista
  • Bigotes: whiskers
  • Caliente: hot
  • Carlito: young Charles
  • Carlos
  • Cazador: hunter
  • Chico: boy
  • Cielo: sky
  • Corto: short
  • Cruz
  • Dario
  • Diego
  • Domingo
  • Donato
  • Dulce: sweet
american wirehair cat sitting outdoors
Image Credit: Fernando Calmon, Shutterstock
  • Eduardo
  • Eloy
  • Emilio
  • Esponjoso: fluffy
  • Esteban
  • Felipe
  • Ferdinand
  • Fernando
  • Francisco
  • Fuerte: strong
  • Gabriel
  • Galeno
  • Gato: male cat
  • Geraldo
  • Gerardo
  • Gitano
  • Guido
  • Ignacio
  • Jose
  • Joven: young
  • Julián
  • Julio
  • Leon
  • Leonor: bright
  • Lión: lion
  • Lisandro
  • Lobo: wolf
  • Loco
  • Lorenzo
  • Luis
  • Lupe: wolf
  • Luz: light
  • Manuel
  • Marco
  • Mario
  • Marques
  • Mauricio
  • Miguel
male ocicat cat on orange background
Image Credit: Nynke vanHolten, Shutterstock
  • Navarro
  • Nicolas
  • Niño: little boy
  • Onofre
  • Orlando
  • Pablo
  • Paulo
  • Pequeño: small
  • Ponce
  • Rafael
  • Raúl
  • Ricardo
  • Rico
  • Roberto
  • Rodrigo
  • Roldan
  • Ronroneo: purr
  • Salvador
  • Sancho
  • Santo
  • Segundo: second
  • Seguro: safe
  • Sergio
  • Sierra: mountains
  • Silvi: from the woods
  • Socorro
  • Sombra: shadow
  • Tequila
  • Thiago
  • Tiburon: shark
  • Tigre: tiger
  • Valiente: brave
  • Vicente
  • Vito
  • Vivo: alive
  • Ximen
  • Zorro
male cat walking down the sidewalk
Image Credit: Shawn Rain, Unsplash

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Cute Mexican Cat Names

There are also countless Mexican cat names that are adorable, making them perfect for gentle-natured cats. Of course, remember what your cat will grow up to be. You don’t want to name them something that means “small” when they’re a kitten only for them to grow into a 20-pound cat (unless, of course, that’s exactly what you’re looking for).

  • Alegría: joy
  • Alejandra
  • Alessandra
  • Alicia
  • Alma
  • Alta: high
  • Baja: short woman
  • Beatriz
  • Bebe
  • Belita: beautiful
  • Biele: dance
  • Bonita: pretty woman
  • Carina
  • Carissa
  • Carmelita: little garden
  • Cascada: waterfall
  • Charo
  • Chica
  • Coraima
  • Corazón: heart
  • Cristina
  • Dahlia
  • Damita
  • Delora
  • Drina
  • Eldora
  • Emelda
  • Esperanza
  • Estrella: star
  • Eva
  • Fantasia: fantasy
  • Faustina: lucky woman
  • Felicidad: lucky
  • Felipa
  • Felisa: lucky and successful
  • Fernanda
  • Florita
  • Frida
  • Giselle
  • Gitana: wanderer
  • Grecia: graceful
  • Guadalupe
  • Hermosa: beautiful
  • Idola
  • Inocencia
  • Juana
  • Juanita
  • Juliana
  • Justina
  • Lalo
  • Leticia
  • Letitia
  • Lluvia: rain
  • Lola
  • Lucia
  • Lucita: little light
  • Luisa
  • Luza: light
Calico cat sandwiched between two speakers
Image Credit: Anfesamo, Pixabay
  • Madra
  • Madrona
  • Maite
  • Marcia
  • Margarita
  • Marina
  • Mariposa: like a butterfly
  • Melia
  • Mercedes
  • Montaña: mountain
  • Mora
  • Morena
  • Natalia
  • Nelia
  • Neva
  • Olinda
  • Paloma: dove
  • Patia
  • Perdita
  • Perla: pearl
  • Presencia
  • Reina: queen
  • Renata
  • Ria
  • Risa
  • Rita
  • Roberta
  • Rocio
  • Rosalinda
  • Rosario
  • Safira: sapphire
  • Sancia
  • Selva: jungle
  • Sierra
  • Silvia
  • Sofia
  • Soledad
  • Tasia
  • Tierra
  • Verónica
  • Vida
  • Ximena
  • Xiomara
  • Zelia
  • Zita
  • Zoila
silver bengal cat lying on the floor
Image Credit: Pavel Shlykov, Shutterstock

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Mexican Cat Names Inspired by Food

There are tons of unique Mexican foods out there that you can name your cat after. The best part about these names is that you probably know exactly what they mean, even if you don’t speak Spanish. Therefore, these names are good for someone that wants some Mexican flair without actually using a traditional Mexican name.

  • Burrito
  • Chalupa
  • Chilaquiles
  • Corona
  • Dos Equis
  • Empanada
  • Enchilada
  • Fresca
  • Gordita
  • Guacamole
  • Jicama
  • Margarita
  • Nacho
  • Negra Modelo
  • Paloma
  • Panucho
  • Salsa
  • Sangrita
  • Taco
  • Tamale
  • Tequila
  • Yuca

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There are tons of names on this list for you to choose from. Ranging from traditional names to Taco, we’ve included something on this list for just about everyone, so hopefully, you found something that you were looking for.

As we previously stated, we recommend going through this list and picking a few names that you absolutely adore. Then, narrow the list down as much as possible and try out the names on your feline.

Who knows? Maybe you’ll find that a Mexican name doesn’t fit your feline after all. (In which case, we have tons of other name articles for you to look at.) However, if you do settle on a Mexican name, we are glad we could help!

Featured Image Credit: ezpic, Shutterstock

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