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Kitty Poo Club Cat Litter Subscription Review 2024: Pros, Cons & Final Verdict

Written by: Christian Adams

Last Updated on June 21, 2024 by Catster Editorial Team

Kitty Poo Club Review Catster

Kitty Poo Club Cat Litter Subscription Review 2024: Pros, Cons & Final Verdict

Our overall rating of Kitty Poo Club: 4.5 out of 5 stars.

Editor Rating: 4.6/5
Quality: 4.5/5
Variety: 4.0/5
Ease of Use: 5/5
Value: 4.9/5

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What Is Kitty Poo Club? How Does It Work?

If you ask virtually any cat owner what the worst part of owning a cat is, they’ll tell you that it’s the litter box. Having a box in your house that your cat pees and poops in — and expecting guests to not notice the smell — is weird, but because we love our kitties, it’s something that we learn to live with.

The idea behind Kitty Poo Club is that dealing with the litter box doesn’t have to be such an awful chore. For a flat fee, the company will send you a brand-new, completely recyclable litter box every month, along with a big box of clean litter. You’ll still have to clean the thing, but you and your cat will both enjoy a fresh start every month.

Kitty Poo Club cat litter box

This service is a godsend for anyone who often forgets to deal with the litter box until it becomes a real problem, not to mention anyone who hates having to lug a giant, unwieldy box of litter around the grocery store. It takes those particular chores off your hands completely; there’s nothing to remember, other than to bring your packages in.

However, people who have already taken steps to solve the litter problem on their own — say, by buying a fancy automatic litter box — may not have much use for it. Also, you may be able to save a buck or two by purchasing litter and replaceable boxes on your own, but the savings won’t be much (and they may be eaten up by the gas that you use driving to the store).

Also, if you’ve already found a litter that you and your cat are in love with, there’s no reason to switch — doing so is only asking for trouble. On the other hand, if you’re not wild about the options at your pet store and want something that’s both easy and affordable, this may be the right choice for you.

Kitty Poo Club isn’t ideal for every cat owner, but those who can use it will likely get way more than their money’s worth.

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Kitty Poo Club – A Quick Look

  • Incredibly easy to use
  • Good value for the price
  • Environmentally-friendly
  • Painless to cancel
  • Few customization options
  • Boxes aren’t as durable as less eco-friendly options

Kitty Poo Club Pricing

Kitty Poo Club keeps things simple when it comes to pricing. You have three basic options to choose from: just buying the litter, just buying the box, or buying both together.

There are several different litter types available, but they all cost the same. Also, the company does offer discounts on multiple boxes, but the discounts aren’t huge.

The prices are competitive with similar litter box subscription services, but you can probably save money by doing the shopping yourself and bargain-hunting or clipping coupons. That requires a great deal of work, though, and Kitty Poo Club is aimed at people who want to make things as easy as possible.

It does try to pad its bottom line by offering you accessories like domes, scoops, and mats, but these aren’t required for membership. Each of the accessories seems to be competitively priced, however.

One of the biggest selling points that Kitty Poo Club offers is free shipping, so you’ll only pay for the products themselves and taxes.

What to Expect from Kitty Poo Club

Signing up for Kitty Poo Club is incredibly easy. All you have to do is go to its signup page and fill out its five-part questionnaire. The questions are easy too — they include general requests about your cats and what kind of litter you prefer.

Once you’ve filled out the questionnaire and paid for the service, the team will get to work on sending out your first box. It usually takes about 5 days or so for the box to arrive after ordering it.

The box does not come preassembled; rather, it comes inside a different box, about the size of a pizza box. You have to put it together yourself, but doing so is fairly easy; all you have to do is fold it according to the instructions (there is a link to a YouTube tutorial if you have any issues).

When you’re done with a box, all you have to do is dump the used litter in the trash and toss the box in your recycling bin.

Kitty Poo Club Contents

  • Litter types available: Silica, clay, organic soy (fine-grain silica is coming soon)
  • Box size: 19” x 15” x 10” (height increases to 15” if you buy optional dome attachment)
  • Entrance height: 75” (you can modify the box to lower it to 5.25” if so desired)

The Litter Is Good But Not Great

There are quite a few different litter types on the market, and they range from cheap (and not that good) to surprisingly expensive (but good). Each of Kitty Poo Club’s litter types would likely be classified as middle-of-the-road in terms of quality.

They kick up a fair amount of dust, but it’s not the worst that we’ve seen by a long shot. Likewise, the odor control is good, but you could find better if you’re willing to pay more.

Ultimately, it comes down to what you value in your litter. If you want top-of-the-line performance (and don’t mind paying for it), then you’ll want to look elsewhere. If you want something that’s good enough and incredibly convenient, then Kitty Poo Club is definitely worth checking out.

The Box Is Also Middle-of-the-Road

First of all, a cardboard litter box will never be as good at containing litter as a well-designed plastic box. It’s just not as durable, and there are too many nooks and crannies for the litter to hide in.

But the problem with plastic boxes is that if you don’t give them a thorough deep cleaning on a regular basis, all sorts of harmful fungi and bacteria can start growing inside them. That’s not an issue with Kitty Poo Club boxes because you’ll throw them away long before they turn into a petri dish.

There are two potential issues when dealing with these boxes: assembly and disposal. If you don’t put them together properly, litter (and possibly other waste) can roll out or hide in places that it’s not supposed to. We can’t necessarily fault the company for this, but it is an added variable that you don’t have to deal with when using permanent boxes.

Disposal can also be tricky. While it’s unlikely that the box will leak, break, or collapse while it’s in use, the same can’t be said for when you’re carrying it to the trash can. Be careful when throwing it away — it’s probably smart to bring the trash can to the box, rather than the other way around.

You Will Have to Deal With Scatter

The litter types that Kitty Poo Club offers are good at eliminating tracking, as they’re generally too large to stick to your cat’s paws without them noticing. Buying a mat (whether through Kitty Poo Club or some other avenue) will likely stop the problem entirely.

The way that the box is designed will ensure that at least some litter gets kicked out, though. It’s hard to penalize it too much for this, as that’s a common problem in all but the most high-end, specially-designed boxes, but expect to have to vacuum frequently.

This Is Not a Set-and-Forget System

It’s important to realize what you’re actually getting with Kitty Poo Club, as you’ll be disappointed if you have unreasonable expectations.

The entire point of the system is to eliminate the need to buy litter every month and deep-clean the box. It won’t eliminate the need to clean the box every day, though. If you don’t maintain it, it will smell and get nasty, just like any other litter box.

If you don’t want to scoop a litter box, you’ll have to buy one that’s self-cleaning. This won’t help in that regard, but it will stop you from having to deal with plastic straps digging into your palms when you bring the new box of litter in from the car.

Is Kitty Poo Club a Good Value?

From a pure dollars-and-cents perspective, Kitty Poo Club is a good value. You get fresh litter and a recyclable box every month at a reasonable price, all without having to leave your home.

However, it’s not going to be able to match up with a fancy litter box and a high-end litter. If you want the best of the best, you’ll have to pay for it, and the best costs more than what Kitty Poo Club charges.

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Frequent Asked Questions 

Will it really last the entire month?

Each box is designed to last for 1 month for one cat. If you have more than one cat, you’ll need more than one box, or else you’ll likely run out of litter ahead of schedule.

Can you order multiple boxes?

Yes, all you have to do is tell them the total number of boxes that you need, and they will send you that many each month. The cost of each additional box is almost as much as the cost of the first box, however.

Will this work for any size cat?

For the most part, yes. If you have a truly massive cat (over 25 pounds), then it may be a little cramped for them. However, since there’s not a lid on it unless you order the optional dome, they should have enough room to do their business.

Is the litter safe for my cats to eat?

-It’s not toxic, but you should discourage your cats from eating it. If they only eat a little bit, the worst thing that’s likely to happen is that they’ll have an upset stomach. However, if they consume a large amount of it, it could cause a potentially dangerous obstruction. This is the case with almost any litter, however.

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What the Users Say

While we’ve thoroughly reviewed Kitty Poo Club, we understand that our experience might not be universal. With that in mind, we researched what other people have found when using the service, to identify any positives or negatives that we might have missed.

Most people rave about the convenience. It’s incredibly easy to have a fresh box and litter delivered every month without you having to think about it or do anything, and many people are willing to pay for that convenience.

How people feel about the litter and box themselves seems to depend on what kind of box and litter that they were using before they switched to Kitty Poo Club. If they were using whatever was cheapest or most convenient, they’re generally happy with the products that they get from this service. However, if they were paying top dollar to buy the best, they’re usually disappointed with how this gear performs.

Opinions on the price can also vary wildly, and it usually depends on what the users were doing beforehand. If you were buying bargain-basement supplies, you might feel like Kitty Poo Club is overpriced. On the other hand, people who spent a great deal of money on high-end products generally think that the service is reasonably priced.

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Kitty Poo Club is a convenient service, and it can take at least one responsibility off your hands. The products that it sends are good enough to get the job done, but if you shop around, you can likely find options that are either cheaper or better (though not likely both).

This litter box subscription service isn’t for everyone, but for those who can use it, it may well be one of the best purchases that you can make on behalf of your cat.

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