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How to Keep Cats From Breaking Blinds: 4 Useful Tips & Alternatives

Written by: Christian Adams

Last Updated on June 19, 2024 by Catster Editorial Team

Cat peeking outside

How to Keep Cats From Breaking Blinds: 4 Useful Tips & Alternatives

Cats are wonderful parts of our lives, and they bring us so much joy and fun. However, they can also be destructive, unintentionally or otherwise. They are particularly known for the great dislike that they seem to have of blinds.

While we use blinds to keep out prying eyes or block out light, cats want to have open access to the window, and the blinds are in their way. Most cats are wily enough to find a way onto the windowsill, anyway, but it isn’t uncommon for this to result in damage to your blinds. Fortunately, there are a few things that you can try to keep your cat from breaking the blinds.

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The 4 Tips to Keep Your Cat From Breaking Your Blinds

1. Give Them a Window

Setting aside a window in your home that is your cat’s special window can help save your blinds everywhere else. Choose a window that your cat can access easily and that you won’t mind keeping the blinds pulled up on most of the time. You can make your cat’s window extra cozy by adding a window perch so your cat can take a nap when they gets tired from watching the neighbors.

cat by the window
Photo Credit: StockSnap_Pixabay

2. Protect the Blinds

Plan ways to keep your blinds safe. Closing doors to rooms that aren’t currently in use can help protect your blinds by keeping your cat only in areas of the house that people are physically in, so everyone can keep a better eye on the cat. Keeping the blinds slightly raised in windows that your cat can access easily will help protect them, but this will require you to keep track of opening and closing them in the morning and evening.

3. Deter Your Cat

There are a few deterrents you can use to keep your cat away from the blinds. Physical barriers are one way you can deter your cat, whether you’re using furniture or décor to block access or keeping areas of the home closed off. You can also use deterrent sprays or natural remedies near the blinds, like citrus and cayenne pepper. These options aren’t feasible for some areas of the home and may not be possible with small children around. Tinfoil or double-sided tape on the windowsill can also keep your cat away.

4. Increase Playtime With Your Cat

By playing with your cat more frequently or for longer periods, you will make things in the house more interesting. By increasing interest and fun indoors, your cat will not want to spend as much time jumping in and out of the windows. Allowing your cat to look out the windows is a healthy activity that can stimulate your cat mentally, but playing with your cat and providing interesting toys can stimulate your cat mentally and physically. It also improves the bond between the two of you.

american shorthair cat playing
Photo Credit: MTS_Photo, Shutterstock

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The Easiest Solution

If you’re looking for an immediate solution to keeping your cat from breaking your blinds, the simplest thing to do is raise the blinds. As long as your cat isn’t attempting to jump onto or climb your blinds, opening the blinds high enough for your cat to sit in the window should be a quick remedy. If it’s feasible for the blinds to stay somewhat raised all the time, this could be a permanent solution for your situation. You can even install a valance or small curtain on a tension rod in the lower portion of the window, protecting your blinds and blocking the window without your cat losing access.

Cat-Friendly Alternatives

  • Vertical Blinds: Determined cats can break these blinds, but it’s far less likely than slat blinds. These blinds still block your windows, but they enable your cat to slip between the slats without damage.
  • Interior Blinds: Interior blinds are built in between window panels so there is no direct external access to the blinds themselves. They are controlled in a similar way to slat blinds, but your cat won’t be able to tear them up. You’ll need to make sure any pulls are out of the way, though, so your cat can’t get tangled in them.
  • Roller Blinds: These blinds have a solid piece of sturdy fabric that rolls up and down on a pole. These blinds won’t allow your cat to slip between slats, but they will still be able to claw at the fabric.
  • Roman Shades: Similar in function to roller blinds, Roman shades are made of thick fabric. They are raised and lowered by blind pulls, and they bunch at the top of the window like slat blinds do. However, the materials they are made of make them resistant to being broken by cats. However, the fabric is susceptible to damage from cats.
  • Wood Blinds: Wood and faux wood blinds are typically sturdy enough to withstand the abuse your cat throws at them. They are thicker and more difficult to break than most aluminum and plastic blinds, and if the main way your cat is breaking the blinds is just by jumping in and out of the window, these blinds may be a good solution.
  • Interior Shutters: Although an unconventional option, interior shutters can fit in perfectly with many types of home décor, from modern to farmhouse and Cape Cod. They enable you to easily block access to the window with a sturdy physical deterrent. Many interior shutters can be opened and closed like doors, as well as like blinds, so you can shut them across the windows but still provide access to let light in.

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Keeping your blinds safe from your cat will take some effort on your part, but it’s worth it to maintain your home. If you’re in a rental, you may lose your deposit if your cat tears up your blinds. If you own your home, maintaining your window treatments doesn’t just improve the aesthetics of your home, but it saves you money in the long run. With only a few simple steps, you can keep your blinds safe and keep the environment fun and enriching for your cat.

Featured Image Credit by: vicran, Pixabay

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