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300 British Cat Names: Great Ideas for Your Noble Cat

Written by: Kristin Hitchcock

Last Updated on June 12, 2024 by Catster Editorial Team

cat with costume on couch

300 British Cat Names: Great Ideas for Your Noble Cat

If you’re looking for something sleek and elegant for your feline, British cat names are the way to go. They often have a traditional and regal sound, which is why many people choose them for their cats. They can be unique and simple at the same time.

However, because there are thousands of years of British history, there are tons of names for you to choose from. You’ll find names with Celtic origins, as well as Norman and Roman names. We’ve included several options below, whether you’re going for something traditional or modern.


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How to Name Your Cat

If you’ve narrowed your list to British names, you’ve already come quite far. At least you know what you want to name your cat. Luckily, we’ve included a long list of British names below to help you get started.

We suggest reading through our lists of names in whatever categories interest you. Keep a small list of names that you like. Don’t write every name down, but you don’t have to be very discerning about the names, either.

Once you’ve gone through the lists, narrow down your list of names as much as possible. Hopefully, you’ll only have a few names left by the end of this process. Next, you’ll want to try the names on your cat for a day or two to see if they fit. Some names may be great in theory, but they may not fit your feline.

Your cat will take longer than a day to learn their new name, so this should not result in any confusion.

gray cat plays with its owner bed
Image by: Vika Hova, Shutterstock

Male British Cat Names

There are several British names for male cats. Whether you name your cat after someone famous or something a bit more traditional, you’ll find something on this list.

  • Aaron
  • Arthur
  • Aston
  • Benny
  • Bowie
  • Bramble
  • Bryon
  • Cambridge
  • Churchill
  • Connery
  • Cromwell
  • Dalton
  • Darwin
  • Dennis
  • Doyle
  • Dundee
  • Dylan
  • Felix
  • Fleming
  • Floyd
  • Gatwick
  • George
  • Glasgow
  • Heathrow
  • Henry
  • Holmes
  • Hopkins
  • Kensington
  • Kent
  • Knocker
  • Lennon
british shorthair
Image by: FotoMirta, Shutterstock
  • Lewis
  • London
  • Lumley
  • Mccartney
  • Mcgregor
  • Morgan
  • Nelson
  • Newton
  • Oliver
  • Oxford
  • Peter Pan
  • Potter
  • Raleigh
  • Rankin
  • Ridley
  • Rob Roy
  • Rupert
  • Shakespeare
  • Sherlock
  • Simba
  • Snowdon
  • Soho
  • Swansea
  • Tartan
  • Trafalgar
  • Wallace
  • Wellington
  • Wimbledon
  • Windsor
  • Wren
  • Zepplin

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Female British Cat Names

There are equally as many female cat names for you to choose from. We’ve included names that are elegant and traditional, as well as those that are a bit different.

  • Agatha
  • Angel
  • Beatrix
  • Caine
  • Chelsea
  • Cheshire
  • Christie
  • Diana
  • Dusty
  • Elizabeth
  • Enid
  • Florence
  • Godiva
  • Hermione
  • Jane
  • Judi
  • Lady Jane
  • Laurel
  • Lily
  • Maggie
  • Merlin
  • Molly
  • Monty
  • Niven
  • Piccadilly
  • Piskie
  • Rowling
  • Royce
  • Sellers
  • Somerset
  • Sy
  • Thatcher
  • Victoria
  • Virginia
  • Wembley
  • Wendy
british shorthair standing on grass
Image Credit: MelaniMarfeld, Pixabay

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British Actor Names

There are several British actors you could also name your cat after! We’ve included male and female actors in this list.

  • Andrew
  • Andy
  • Anthony
  • Christian
  • Daniel
  • Emily
  • Emma
  • Gerald
  • Helen
  • Henry
  • Ian
  • Jason
  • Judi
  • Kate
  • Keifer
  • Kit
  • Maggie
  • Orlando
  • Paul
  • Ricky
  • Robert
  • Rowan
  • Rupert
  • Sacha
  • Tom
  • Wentworth
british shorthair
Image by: kejamy, Pixabay

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British Cat Names Based on Places

There are many places in the UK that you could name your cat after. However, you can also use this shortlist as an inspiration to include some of your favorite cities and towns.

  • Bath
  • London
  • Ness
  • Windsor
  • York
British Shorthair cat
Image by: Rebekka D, Pixabay

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British Cat Names Based on Foods

Using food as inspiration is sure to give you a unique name. Many traditional foods in British cuisine can make for good cat names.

  • Bangers
  • Bubble
  • Chips
  • Coddle
  • Cornetto
  • Cottage
  • Crumpet
  • Gin
  • Guinness
  • Haggis
  • Pasty
  • Ploughman
  • Rarebit
  • Scones
  • Shepherd
  • Squeak
  • Toad
  • Trifle
  • Wellington

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We hope that you were able to find a fitting name for your feline in this article. We tried to include many British names so that just about everyone could find something suitable in this article.

Of course, feel free to use this list as your own jumping-off point for naming your cat. You don’t necessarily have to name your feline something off this list. If a name strikes a chord of inspiration, follow it to see where it leads!

See also:

Featured Image: Nils Jacobi, Shutterstock

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