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If you’ve ever had to take your cat somewhere, you know that they aren’t the biggest fan of car rides. But why exactly is that? Many dogs seem to enjoy riding in the car immensely, so what’s the difference for felines?
Your kitty doesn’t like car rides for various valid reasons, from the sensations that they experience to the associations that they make with getting in a vehicle. Here, we go over all the reasons that your cat may get upset when put into a car and how you can make rides more pleasurable for both of you!
The 7 Reasons Why Cats Hate Car Rides
1. Negative Associations
Possibly the biggest reason your cat hates getting into the car is that they have negative associations with the vehicle. Think about it: There’s a good chance the only reason your cat goes on car rides is that you’re taking them to the vet, groomer’s, or boarder’s, and none of those places is very fun for kitties. So, it’s no wonder your cat freaks out when they’re put into the car. You’d probably be unhappy, too, if every time you took a car ride, it ended with getting poked, prodded, or left behind.
Felines form short- and long-term memories, much like we do (though our memories last longer), so your cat remembers what happened the last time they were in a car!
2. Sensory Issues
Your cat’s senses far surpass your own. So, while you enter the car and smell air freshener, your cat can smell the scents of every person or animal that’s been in the car recently, as well as every crumb that’s been dropped. Add to that your kitty’s excellent hearing, which enables them to hear everything from the tires rolling on the pavement to the garbage truck down the road, and it’s not surprising that your pet gets overwhelmed by all that sensory information.

3. Motion Sickness
Humans aren’t the only ones who can experience motion sickness; our feline companions can too! When your cat is dealing with motion sickness while in the car, they will likely display one or more of the following signs: drooling, lip licking, or vomiting. If your kitty is prone to motion sickness, car rides won’t be an enjoyable experience for them.
The good news is that your vet can help your cat with medication, so be sure to talk to them so your kitty can get back to enjoying car rides.
If you need to speak with a vet but can't get to one, head over to PangoVet. It's an online service where you can talk to a vet online and get the personalized advice you need for your pet — all at an affordable price!
4. Movement of the Car
Your cat might not get motion sick but simply hate the movement of the car. The sensation of a car moving won’t be overly familiar to your cat, so they could find the ride disconcerting or feel as if they’re going to slip and slide around in their carrier. Add in bumps in the road and the occasional pothole, and it’s easy to see why a kitty might put up a fuss at getting in a vehicle.

5. Unfamiliar Space
Since your cat likely doesn’t ride in the car often, it’s an unfamiliar place, and felines aren’t fond of those. Being somewhere unfamiliar could very well result in a stressed-out kitty, hence all the meowing, crying, and maybe even toileting. Unfamiliarity just isn’t fun for our cats!
6. Anxiety
Unfamiliarity isn’t all that can make our cats stressed and anxious. Your pet can become anxious because they’re out in the big, wide world rather than safe in their home, because they hate the cat carrier they’re in, or because the radio in the car is too loud. It could be any number of reasons, really. The point is car rides can make kitty anxious, and no one likes experiencing anxiety, cats included.

7. Change in Routine
Finally, felines absolutely hate any change to their routine. Listen, your cat had big plans that included napping for half the day, eating, and perhaps watching birds out the window. A car ride was not a part of those plans, so now that it’s happening, your cat is going to express their displeasure at this interruption to their routine!
How Can I Help My Cat Hate Car Rides Less?
Like it or not, your cat is going to have to occasionally ride in the car. That means you need to find some way to help them dislike car rides at least a little less, for everyone’s sanity. Luckily, there are some ways you can do just that.
Purchase a Good Carrier
Because your cat will most likely be in their carrier during any car rides, it’s crucial to find one that your cat is comfortable with. Hard carriers are generally a bit safer and more practical for vet visits since you can just remove the top if your cat doesn’t want to leave the carrier. Soft carriers can be helpful for other types of trips, and some cats may find them more comfortable than hard carriers.
Once you have a carrier your pet likes, you need to get your cat comfortable with it. A good way to start is by leaving the carrier out in your home all the time. After all, if the only time your kitty ever sees the carrier is when they’re about to get in the car and go to the vet, they will definitely have negative feelings about it. But if you leave the carrier out in your home and place a cozy blanket, treats, or toys inside, your cat could come to see it as a safe space.
Get Anxiety-Reducing Products
If your cat hates riding in the car so much that every trip to the vet is a struggle, you might consider using anxiety-reducing products. There are several out there you can try, from pheromone sprays and vests that apply pressure to CBD and hemp products. You might even try tiring your kitty out with catnip 15 minutes before the start of the trip; it’s not a guarantee, but if your pet has a good play time, they might be tired enough to be relaxed on a car ride.

Change the View
Some felines may feel more comfortable on car rides if they can see out the window and view what’s going on around them. You can opt to position the cat carrier in a way that allows the kitty to see outside. Other cats might need the opposite of a view and would prefer not to see anything at all. If that’s your pet, you can toss a towel or blanket over their carrier to make things dark and cozy.
Slowly Get Your Cat Used to the Car
As you’re working on getting your cat used to their carrier, you may also want to help the kitty get used to the car. You can start by taking your cat out to the car when you aren’t going anywhere, just to let them sniff around and explore. Then, when your pet is used to their carrier, you can place the cat and carrier in the car and close the door. Wait a minute, then take the cat out, and reward them with a treat.
After your cat gets used to sitting in their carrier in a car going nowhere, you can try doing the same thing, but with starting the vehicle. Once your kitty is okay with that, you can begin taking short drives. Eventually, your pet should be a bit more relaxed while on car rides!
Your cat has a few good reasons to dislike car rides. A car ride often ends with a trip to the vet to get poked and prodded, the groomer’s where there are scary clippers, or a boarding facility where they get left behind. You likely wouldn’t enjoy the car if that’s what happened every time you got in either!
But there are ways you can help your cat learn to relax while on car rides. Slowly getting the kitty used to their carrier and the car is probably the best way (though that will take time). You can also try anxiety-reducing supplements or consider medication for motion sickness.
With enough time, car rides with your cat should be happier adventures for you both!
- Related Read: Does Uber Allow Cats? Pet Travel Guide
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