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As a cat parent, saying goodbye to your companion before departing for a weekend trip can be difficult, and when you go away you wouldn’t be alone in wondering “Does my cat miss me?”. So do cats miss their owners? Well, despite our cats often being aloof and independent, they miss us too, and there are a few signs that prove that your absence did not go unnoticed, even though some of them may be hard to decode.
In this article, we’ll discuss a few behaviors your cat may display that may indicate that your cat missed you while you were away. While some are pretty clear, others are more ambiguous and will require a deeper understanding of your cat’s body language, vocalizations, and behaviors.
Do Cats Miss Their Owners?
Most cats are known to be independent, antisocial, and aloof; however, they notice when you are not around. While cats do not need to have their humans as close as dogs generally do, they can still develop deep connections with their owners. Whether cats can miss their owners is debatable, but they still desire your attention and love.
Some cats are more sensitive and attached to their owners and are known to experience separation anxiety, which is a more serious issue than simply missing you. If you suspect your cat may be experiencing separation anxiety, you should consult your vet for the best solutions.

The 10 Signs Your Cat Missed You
1. Purring
Purring is one way for a cat to communicate, and purring on your arrival home may indicate that your cat is happy to be reunited with you again. When a cat is left alone for a longer period, the purring and the yearning for companionship may increase.
According to one study, cats behave differently when left alone for just 30 minutes as opposed to several hours.1 When reunited with their owners, the cats that had been left alone longer purred more.
2. Meowing and Crying

Meowing and crying can be typical indicators that your cat missed you. Your cat’s meow could be an effort to gain your attention if they have been feeling lonely. However, a cat’s meow can have various meanings, so it’s important to keep an eye on your cat once you have settled back home. If your cat doesn’t stop meowing after a few minutes, you should monitor their behavior to rule out pain or illness.
3. Seeking Affection
Your cat may show increased affection or follow you around more when looking for affection when they miss you. Increased affection can include head butting, rubbing against you, purring, and kneading. If your cat starts to follow you around and settles where you settle, they could be seeking more attention because you have been missed.
4. Marking Territory
Cats value their territory greatly, particularly their house, where they feel protected and safe. While you were away, your cat may have “marked their territory” by urinating in areas of your home. Trying to keep themselves safe by marking territory could indicate that your cat was stressed and felt unsafe, and you were definitely missed, even though it may not be the most appreciated way to show you! If they continue urinating outside of the litter box, they should be checked by the vet.
Cats also mark their territory when they feel content by using scent glands on their chin, cheeks, and mouth. If your cat rubs up against you or your furniture, they could be marking their territory or certain objects and people, indicating they are happy and content, which could be because their loving owner is finally home.
Cleaning up after our pets is not the most enjoyable part of owning them. Despite keeping a clean litterbox, cat odors and stains may still exist around the house. Sometimes, even the best litter box setup needs extra help. If you're tired of dealing with bad smells from litter boxes, Hepper Advanced Bio-Enzyme Pet Stain & Odor Eliminator Spray can help with the worst pet stains and smells. Additionally, the Advanced Bio-Enzyme Cat Litter Deodorizer neutralizes odors upon contact. Our Favorite Products At Catster, we’ve admired Hepper for many years and decided to take a controlling ownership interest so that we could benefit from the outstanding designs of this cool cat company!
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5. Bringing You Gifts
Cats are natural hunters that often return their prey to their owners as a “gift.” Even if it can make you queasy and may seem like an act of animosity, it is a genuine expression of love and caring about you. They may also bring you their favorite toy as a “gift,” which indicates that they trust you with something important to them. A dead mouse or a beloved toy is a perfect way for your cat to say, “I missed you.”
6. Sleeping in Your Spot

Your cat can easily recognize you just from your scent, so they may look for solace among your clothing or in your sleeping spot, as it gives them a chance to relax in the company of their owner’s familiar scent. If your cat is sleeping in your spot, it can be a sign that your cat missed you and wished you were there. Even if your cat decides to sleep close to you but just out of reach, they are still showing their love and trust.
7. Stress or Agitation
Some cats, despite their independence and lack of “neediness,” get stressed and agitated when they are separated from their owner for an extended period. This implies that you play a significant role in your cat’s social environment, and they may have missed you while you were gone.
You may notice a change in your cat’s demeanor when you return home. Your cat may be acting more agitated or even stressed, which could indicate a more profound feeling, such as separation anxiety.
8. Destructive Behavior

By nature, cats are clever, inquisitive, and athletic creatures that need a lot of mental and physical stimulation to keep them entertained. If your cat is bored or stressed out while you are gone, they may develop destructive behaviors such as clawing at the furniture or getting into things. This bad behavior can be a cry for attention, indicating that your cat missed you.
9. Excessive Grooming
Cats groom themselves to maintain cleanliness, but they may over-groom themselves in times of stress, such as when they miss their owners. Cats also groom one another as a sign of affection, and when trust is established, this behavior will also be extended to their owners. It may be unusual when your cat decides to lick your hands or face, but consider it a kind gesture from your cat that is grateful for you coming home.
However, over–grooming can result in hair loss, skin redness, and damage, and it can be a sign of separation anxiety, as it serves as stress relief for them. It could also be due to allergies or other skin conditions, so you should monitor your pet closely if you suspect they are over–grooming and consult your veterinarian to rule out any underlying medical issues.
10. Illness

Some cats lose their appetite, hide, or even experience mild digestive issues when their owners are away. Some may even urinate or defecate outside of the litter box. If your cat is sick with separation anxiety, it may be accompanied by other signs such as hiding, excessive vocalization, over-grooming, restlessness, and urinating outside their litter box. Since the signs of separation anxiety could potentially point to other health issues, a consultation with your veterinarian is essential to rule out any other medical concerns or disorders.
If you need to speak with a vet but can’t get to one, head over to PangoVet. It’s an online service where you can talk to a vet online and get the personalized advice you need for your pet — all at an affordable price!
How to Help Your Cat While You Are Away
If you are concerned about your cat missing you while you are away or about the potential for your cat to develop separation anxiety, here are a few ways to help your cat feel safe, comfortable, and entertained.
1. Hire a Cat Sitter

Unless you are only away for the day, never leave your cat alone unattended. A lot can go wrong, and your cat may fall seriously ill without you knowing. It goes without saying that they need fresh daily food and water.
Consider getting a professional cat sitter or house sitter to stay in your home while you are away so that your cat is not alone, and their routine is not affected. Get them to stop by a few days before to meet and interact with your cat and show them your schedule.
If you cannot find someone to stay for the whole duration while you are away, ask a friend or neighbor to pop in once or twice a day to check in, play with your kitty, and ensure their food, water bowl, and litter box are filled up and clean.
2. Provide Toys and Entertainment
Leave plenty of interactive toys to keep your cat busy. These can include your cat’s favorite toys, puzzle feeders, and scratching posts. Position the scratching post near a window so your cat can enjoy the activities outside. You can also install a cat tree where your cat can climb, scratch, and sleep to help them feel safe and comfortable.
Looking for toys that will cater to the many needs of your cat? The Hepper Hi-lo Cat Scratcher is one of our favorite cat products that is sure to encourage your cat to get active. Its clever three-angle design offers multiple ways for your cat to climb, stretch, and exercise. Made of a sturdy plywood base and a replacement cardboard insert, this scratcher is an option that cats can enjoy for years to come. If your cat requires a little encouragement for self-play, the Hepper Plush Mouse Kicker is a fantastic choice for their instinctual needs. Equipped with bite and kick-resistant fabric, an enticing internal bell, and organic catnip, cats can satisfy their natural prey instincts while getting the physical activity they need to thrive. At Catster, we've admired Hepper for many years, and decided to take a controlling ownership interest so that we could benefit from the outstanding designs of this cool cat company!
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Hepper Plush Mouse Cat Kicker Toy
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3. Keep Things Familiar
Try to stick to your cat’s routine as much as you can. This provides predictability, which helps your cat feel safe. Before you leave, make sure your cat’s food and water bowls are filled, and consider leaving the radio or TV on for some familiar noise.
It’s nice to know that our cats may miss us while we are gone and that their aloof and independent nature doesn’t mean they don’t care. Your cat may show signs that they missed you with extra affection, vocalizations, and gifts. However, if your cat shows more concerning signs, such as excessive grooming, destructive behaviors, or illness, it could indicate that they’re more attached than you may have realized and may battle with separation anxiety. All of these signs warrant veterinary attention, as your cat may have an underlying health issue.
Featured Image Credit: Natalia Lebedinskaia, Shutterstock
I have a cat and She is so lovely and cuddled with me every night or day.I love here so much. when my fiance and I are getting ready to leave she knows it. Because we are getting ready dressing. She will be dead asleep and she will pop up quickly and start to meow and will try to follow us out of our home She is very smart I love her so much and she knows it. And she loves us so much. I can tell by the way she acts. I like to find out ever thing about a cat. I want to keep my cat happy and safe. Which that's what I do.
Hi Adria Monroy, thank you so much for sharing your story and for loving your cat so much! Please consider enrolling her for our Cat of the Week Contest in this link: Best wishes