We understand how explosive the cultural phenomenon Pokémon has become and how passionate their fan base is…because we happen to be a part of it! There are endless possibilities to consider when trying to decide which character to use for your cat’s name. Some are a bit farfetched, and others quite a-Mews-ing. Here is our list of favorite Pokémon-inspired cat names.
Female Pokémon Cat Names
- Kakuna
- Nidorina
- Clefairy
- Ninetails
- Abra
- Rapidash
- Ivysaur
- Butterfree
- Roselia
- Jesse
- Poliwhirl
- Chansey
- Rattata
- Clefa
- Misty
- Goldeen
- Paras
- Jynx
- Dawn
- Tangela
- Nurse Joy
- Ditto
- Mareep
- Clefable
- Bellossom
- Happiny

Male Pokémon Cat Names
- Nidoran
- Charmeleon
- Growlithe
- Arbok
- Ash
- Metapod
- Golem
- Slowbro
- Gloom
- Diglett
- Bonsley
- Grotle
- Mankey
- Burmy
- Brock
- Mr. Mime
- Machamp
- Geodude
- Farfetch’d
- Bagon
- Grimer
- Gastly
- Meditite
- James
- Aron
- Feebas
- Gulpin
Cute Pokémon Cat Names
There is no shortage of cuteness when it comes to the Pokémon world. Even including the likes of the insect and bug varieties, we have something for everyone! However, you would be here for days if we listed ALL of the adorable critters and creatures, so we’ve narrowed it down to the absolute cutest:
- Togepi
- Cubone
- Chikorita
- Pichu
- Oddish
- Jigglypuff
- Teddiursa
- Slowking
- Aipom
- Squirtle
- Minccino
- Charmander
- Pikachu
- Vulpix
- Caterpie
- Dratini
- Snorlax
- Bulbasaur
- Marill
- Lolipup

Pokémon Cat Characters
The inspiration for each Pokémon is primarily based around the human, animal, insect, or plant worlds, consisting of embellished features and powers. So, of course, we can find feline characters scattered throughout the Pokémon universe. Here are our favorites:
- Meowth
- Persian
- Skitty
- Delcatty
- Purrlion
- Liepard
- Shinx
- Glameow
- Luxio
- Luxray
- Pyroar
- Zeraora
- Litleo
- Incineroar
- Espurr
- Meowstic
- Mew
- Litten
- Torracat
- Purugly
- Dusk Mane
Legendary Pokémon Cat Names
This rare and often powerful group of Pokémon is only found in the mythologies and legends of the Pokémon world. Also known as Mythical Pokémon, they are very hard to catch, and only a select few are found in each game. Although there are about 81 registered to the Pokedex, we’ve noted our favorites below:
- Mewtwo
- Rayquaza
- Lugia
- Giratina
- Kyogre
- Moltres
- Suicune
- Zapdos
- Dialga
- Entai
- Mew
- Ho-oh
- Arceus
- Groudon
- Articuno

Bonus: Evolution of Eevee
The creators have kept Pokémon fans on their toes with the reintroduction of Eevee and her ability to transform into various beautiful and alluring creatures. Different items introduced while she is evolving determine which of her counterparts she morphs into. Not only is she tough, she is also part feline, which is the best of both worlds! We have listed each of the evolutions of Eevee as well as their Pokémon type:
- Vaporeon (Water)
- Jolteon (Electric)
- Flareon (Fire)
- Espeon (Psychic)
- Umbreon (Dark)
- Leafon (Grass)
- Glaceon (Ice)
- Sylveon (Fairy)
Finding the Right Pokémon Inspired Cat Name
We know it must be hard to narrow it down to only one name when the Pokémon Universe tells you to catch them all. We’ve included some of the most powerful names, like Zapdos and Mewtwo, to the cutest of cute with Togepi and Pichu.
Hopefully, we haven’t Jynx’ed your journey, and our list was helpful in your hunt to find the perfect name for your cat. If you need a little more inspiration, take a peek at one of our many cat name lists below:
- 100+ Cartoon Inspired Cat Names
- The Best Food-Related Names for Cats
- Cat Names Inspired by Anime
- Cat Names for your Sassy Feline
Featured Image Credit by: Zane Lee, Unsplash & Aisyaqilumar, Adobe Stock