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Felix Katnip Tree Company Scratching Beam Review 2024: Pros, Cons & Verdict

Written by: Codee Chessher

Last Updated on June 20, 2024 by Catster Editorial Team

Felix Katnip Tree Company Scratching Beam Review

Felix Katnip Tree Company Scratching Beam Review 2024: Pros, Cons & Verdict

Review Summary

Our Final Verdict

We give Felix Katnip Tree Company Scratching Beam a rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars.

Editor Rating: 4.5/5
Build Quality: 5/5
Ease of Installation: 5/5
Features: 4.5/5
Price: 3.5/5

If you’re tired of your cat scratching up all your furniture, Felix Katnip Tree Company has you covered with this simplistically genius scratching beam. This beam is covered with appealing sisal rope and infused with catnip to keep your cat busy for a long time. The back-to-basics shape encourages multiple play and scratching activities, saving your furniture in the process.

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Felix Katnip Tree Company Scratching Beam – A Quick Look

  • Made from sturdy maple wood for robust durability
  • Wrapped with 100% organic sisal rope for a more pleasing scratching experience
  • Infused with certified organic catnip for countless scent-driven play sessions
  • Reputable company with over 80 years in business
  • Some cats prefer traditional upright scratching posts more

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Weight: 10 pounds
Dimensions: 10.25” H x 28.5” W
Materials: Sisal rope, wood, organic catnip

Helps Satisfy Your Cat’s Urge to Scratch

All cats are driven by nature to scratch for various reasons: to maintain their claws, mark their territory via scent glands on the paws, and burn excess energy. Cats that previously scratched on sofas or other furniture will enjoy the horizontal design of this beam, which enables a whole range of creative play. Tactile sisal rope gives you cat hours of pleasing scratching sensations and lasts a long time. Many owners report decreased furniture scratching after buying this beam, which is a huge perk!

Built Out of Durable Maple Wood

New cat owners might think all scratching posts are created equally, but they’re not! This scratching post is made from sustainably sourced maple. The post is a lot more stable than high vertical scratching posts and can handle even the craziest cat gymnasts with effortless ease. The beam itself is pleasantly beefy, with plenty of room for kittens to wrap their little paws around it. Your cat will wear out the sisal rope before they come close to damaging the wood base.

Arrives Fully Assembled

Unlike other scratching posts that arrive in esoteric IKEA-like packaging with vague instructions, this scratching post comes fully assembled right out of the box. That’s right—just take it out and let Fluffy go to town! If for some reason you want to disassemble the beam, like to add more rope after it wears out, that’s done with two big Philips screws on each side.

Infused With Catnip

This scratching beam is infused with organic catnip, which cats go absolutely bananas for. Even cats that don’t normally scratch very much will suddenly become very into scratching this post when they catch the alluring scent of catnip. Catnip is thought to affect a cat’s happy brain receptors, which can make some cats more relaxed, while others will experience a burst of energy.

Not Suited for All Cats

Older cats, in particular, may have picky preferences about their scratching posts and simply turn their nose up at this scratching beam. If you know your cat has a strong preference for vertical scratching posts, this beam may not be the best purchase.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is This Product Environmentally Friendly?

Yes! Sisal rope is 100% biodegradable and the maple wood itself is also biodegradable or reusable for craft purposes once the scratching post is worn out. The product is also shipped with recyclable packaging to lessen shipping impacts on the planet.

How Many Cats Does This Beam Support?

Multiple reviews state this scratching beam is stable and sturdy enough to easily hold the weight of two full-grown cats playing at the same time.

What the Users Say

  • User reviews report their cat using this post in numerous creative ways, like hugging and kicking the beam from underneath, running and jumping over the beam like a hurdle, and more kitty shenanigans.
  • Several reviewers mention the beam makes a fantastic and more clean replacement for cheap cardboard scratchers.
  • More than one review mentions the feet may be uneven on some types of flooring, but you’ll have to test this in your own home to find out.

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The Felix Katnip Tree Company Scratching Beam is a solidly built scratching beam that can help your cat stop scratching up furniture. It’s made with environmentally friendly materials, is infused with catnip, and is guaranteed to keep your cat occupied for many a lazy afternoon. The price is a little steep, however, and not all cats take to the horizontal design, but it’s well worth it in our opinion.

Featured Image Credit: Felix Katnip Tree Company

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