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Welcome to the Wednesday Cats of Catster! Every month, we ask our cat-loving Catsters to weigh in on a new topic. This week, we asked them to tell us how their cat reacts to strangers! Here’s what they had to say:
Crystal & Ivy
‘Stranger Danger’ is not a thing when it comes to Ivy. I’ve seen her roll onto her back in front of multiple strangers. Begging for just a mere scrap of attention or an ‘Awww, so cute!’, like she doesn’t get enough of that back at home!
She will also play with any willing participant, whether they’re known to her or not.
So basically, she is not phased by strangers or new visitors in the slightest. This is slightly worrying and disappointing. Worrying, because that meant she’d be happy to go home with any old stranger. Disappointing because, well, I thought what we had was special!
All jokes aside, I’m truly happy that she takes well to strangers and isn’t a skittish or nervous Nellie. It makes both of our lives so much easier knowing that she isn’t going to go into a 2-week hiding period after someone she doesn’t know knocks on the door.
She is also very curious when it comes to new people and is always right by my side whenever there’s a knock on the door, or if I speak to someone outside that she hasn’t seen before.

I may be biased, but Ivy is very cute, and she knows this. And she uses this to win over the hearts of self-described ‘non-cat-lovers.’
Many friends who have slept over at our home and claim not to like cats have been bowled and won over by Ivy. I honestly feel like cats know when someone ‘doesn’t like cats,’ and they then feel that it is their sole purpose to attempt to convince this person otherwise.
She will rub herself against their legs, flop over onto her back, roll around, sit on their laps, purrr, and basically pull all of her adorable little tricks out of the bag. And yes – it always works! The next morning, those said friends are changed people, filled with a newfound love for cats!
Strangers that she is wary of, though, are strangers that come with loud noises. The gardening service gets a real stinky side-eye through the window, as do delivery bike drivers and screeching children. She nopes out of those situations real fast, which is honestly understandable, because I want to do the same!
And there you have it, new visitors and strangers are welcomed into our home by Ivy, and even more so if she can work her cute kitty magic. Except if they arrive with a bang.
Isabel & Milly
Look, Milly isn’t a shy lady. Especially if you are in her home. She’ll peer at guests walking through the front door from her cat tree, and as soon as they approach her, she’ll either sniff them thoroughly and allow one single stroke of the head, or give them looks of judgment and disdain, accompanied by a quick disappearing act into the abyss.
Sometimes you’ll catch her in a good mood, and then she’ll even come sit on your lap. However, don’t get comfortable and try to push her limits, or you’ll be met with the fastest right paw in the Southern Hemisphere. It’s all up to the queen herself. She dictates the treatment of guests in this house, not me. So, if Milly doesn’t like you, I also start to wonder, “What is this person hiding…”
I can also clearly tell which pet sitters Milly likes more than others by her behavior and demeanor when I get back home. If one of her favorites were with her, I would come back home to a very chilled Milly. She’ll be rolling around on the ground, snoozing in the sun on her back, and usually pretty vocal and happy to see me. But let one of the lesser favorites have the weekend, oh boy, then I know I’m in for something. She won’t even make one single noise when I get back. Radio silence and death stares are all I get. She refuses to come to me, and we’ll do a little wild goose chase for a moment until she’s done sulking (usually only lasts about 10 minutes).
If Milly is out of her safe haven, i.e., the great outdoors of our gated community, then she’s a little more humble, understanding that she isn’t the scariest or sassiest thing around anymore.
She’ll usually only go out for a quick number 1 or 2 in nature, or she’ll walk with us when we go for our daily stroll. Her demeanor is completely different. She’s on high alert at all times, and she’ll run for the bushes (or even back home) when other people are approaching. There are other cats, small, yappy dogs, and Milly’s worst nightmare… children. We have a cat door, which took forever to train her to use, and now she barely uses it because she concluded that her little castle is a whole lot better than the unknown.
Inside her home, guests don’t faze her one bit. If anything, the guests are more stressed about how they will impress her and become the chosen one for her lap nap. Outside, however, she knows her place and sticks close to Mommy’s side. How precious?
Wes & Raphael
As the doorbell goes, his ears prick up. With a quick spine stretch, before you know it, he’s cantering down the corridor. A few meows to warn us of the impending intruder along the way. You might think, at first glance, what a confident cat Raphael is. Our guardian of the entrance. You couldn’t be more wrong.
As the door swings open, the visitor stands in the threshold, the light streaming in behind them.
Raphael is, in the true definition of the world, a complete and utter scaredy cat. He acts tough, but when it really comes down to it, he’s terrified. It doesn’t end at the door. If they come in, he’ll spend his time skulking around the room, trying to disappear into the walls or under the bed!
Luckily for us, it doesn’t last too long. More often than not, once he’s warmed up, he’s REALLY warmed up. He’ll be coming for cuddles and kisses, and then a little ankle nibble afterwards for dessert! Then, often, the unknown (and now known) visitor might wish that Raphael would go back to being terrified again!
Now I’d love to know about you: how does your cat behave with visitors?
- Read their previous article: Masters of Sleeping: Where & How the Wednesday Cats of Catster Snooze