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Can Cats Eat Caramel? Vet-Reviewed Facts & FAQ

Written by: Ashley Bates

Last Updated on June 20, 2024 by Catster Editorial Team

Can Cats Eat CARAMEL

Can Cats Eat Caramel? Vet-Reviewed Facts & FAQ


Dr. Paola Cuevas Photo


Dr. Paola Cuevas

MVZ (Veterinarian)

The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research.

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Let’s face it: cats are weird creatures. They surprise us with all sorts of quirky behaviors every single day. Your cat might ignore a delicious meaty dish of wet cat food, but you’ll find their head stuck in a bag of chips later.

So, if your cat has recently shown an interest in a delicious caramel snack, you might wonder if cats can eat caramel. Well, caramel is non-toxic to cats, but it can be a choking risk, and it’s very unhealthy for them. Plus, cats can’t taste sweetness, so why would they be attracted to caramel in the first place? Find out more below.

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Caramel is Non-Toxic to Cats

If your cat ate caramel, rest easy knowing that it is non-toxic to cats. However, there’s absolutely nothing in caramel that benefits your cat’s digestive system.

You should avoid all human food unless it is species-appropriate, unseasoned, and free of additives.

caramel bar
Image by: WikimediaImages, Pixabay

Health Risks Associated with Caramel

There are some significant downfalls of cats eating caramel. It can cause weight gain and many related diseases, including diabetes, arthritis, higher susceptibility to developing cancers and urinary issues, and compromised mobility. Besides, caramel is a dangerous choking hazard.

Also, it greatly depends on the type of caramel snack your cat ate. If the snack contains any other additives, it can be hazardous and potentially toxic.

Effects of Sugar

Sugar can cause digestion problems, as your cat isn’t made to eat it in the first place. Besides, it is loaded with empty calories, and regular sugar consumption causes the cat to gain extra weight, leading to obesity. Cats are obligate carnivores. They only benefit from meat-based products; animal proteins and fats are the basis of their nutrition.   

You can give your cat lots of designed-for-felines, species-appropriate snacks, but any human food packed with sugar is unhealthy.

Intestinal Issues

If your cat eats big pieces of caramel, the excessive sugars will disrupt the cat’s intestinal microbiome, leading to diarrhea, bloating, and discomfort.

Cats Taste Palate

You might be surprised to know that cats cannot taste sweetness. We might indulge in various desserts, but feline tastebuds differ entirely from ours. They have no sweet receptors.

Since they are carnivores, their palate is only developed to enjoy meat. That is why your cat salivates whenever you pop open a can of wet food. The aroma of animal-based proteins stimulates their senses.

tongue of a cat
Image by: Ukki Studio, Shutterstock

Other Ingredients

If your cat eats caramel, you must ask yourself what else was in it. Some ingredients are safe, while others are very dangerous. Cats should always steer clear of the following toxic foods:

  • Chocolate—Chocolate is poisonous to cats. They shouldn’t even taste small amounts.
  • Xylitol—This artificial sweetener is found in many candies and sweet treats. Your cat should never ingest this toxic chemical compound.

If you have caramel ice cream or dairy products, keep them away from your cat. Even though cats might beg from milk-based products, their bodies are not designed to digest dairy foods.

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cat paw divider

Final Thoughts

Cats should not eat caramel. There are absolutely no nutritional benefits, and it could cause more digestive issues. They might like to lick the occasional caramel off a random snack, but you should never offer it up willingly.

Always make sure to keep dangerous snacks away from your kitties. There are plenty of cat-safe snacks for your furry buddy to enjoy instead. Plus, they can’t even indulge and enjoy the sweetness that caramel offers.

See Also:

Featured Image by: Zozz_, Pixabay

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