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Snowshoe Cat Price: How Much Do They Cost? 2024 Update

Written by: Kristin Hitchcock

Last Updated on June 26, 2024 by Catster Editorial Team

purebred snowshoe cat lies on a bed cover with a fur blanket

Snowshoe Cat Price: How Much Do They Cost? 2024 Update

Snowshoe cats are rare and are a bit more expensive than most other breeds. On average, you can expect to pay around $1,000 to $1,500 or more for a Snowshoe cat, and that doesn’t include any of the extras you need to purchase, like the food and water. You must also consider their other needs, like food, grooming, and vet care.

Below, we’ll go through everything you need to consider when budgeting for this cat breed.

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Snowshoe Cat Price: One-Time Costs

The most expensive part of owning a Snowshoe cat will be initially purchasing the cat and everything they need. Cats need quite a few supplies that you’ll only need to buy once (or, at least, very rarely), like a litter box and cat tree.

All of these expenses add up fast and can cost quite a bit. However, once you purchase them, you won’t have to worry about them again for some time.


You aren’t very likely to find a Snowshoe cat for free. These cats are exceptionally rare and finding a breeder with a kitten available is hard. Finding a cat at no cost is even more challenging.

Plus, you have to consider why the cats are free. Typically, breeders make their buyers sign agreements to return the cat if they can no longer care for them. Therefore, the odds of finding a free cat are exceptionally low, as most purebred Snowshoe cats will be under one of these contracts.


  • $50—$100

Adopting a cat is more affordable than purchasing one from a breeder. You can expect to spend anywhere from $50 to $300 for your average adoption. However, this fee often includes a lot. For instance, it may cover the initial vaccinations, spaying/neutering, and even microchipping.

The price varies from one adoption agency to the other. Animal shelters are the most affordable since they are often partially funded by the local government.

Snowshoe Lynx Point Siamese kittens
Image Credit: Brenda Carson, Shutterstock


  • $1,000—$1,500

It can be hard to find Snowshoe kittens for sale, and cat breeders are the most expensive option. However, because the Snowshoe is rare, it’s to be expected to some extent. The demand outpaces the supply, and there is a lot that goes into breeding these cats.

Pregnant cats need a lot of veterinary care, and breeders often pay for genetic testing and similar services before they even breed their cats to ensure the kittens are born as healthy as possible. The cost may be even higher than $1,500 in some cases, such as when the kitten is from a line of show cats or has rare physical features.

Initial Setup and Supplies

  • $100—$400

The initial cost of the supplies needed for your Snowshoe cat is usually around $100 to $400, depending on the brands you purchase. Those with cats may not need to spend as much as they may already have many of the necessary items.

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Snowshoe Cat Price: Care Supplies and Costs

Cat Litter Box $10–$50
Cat Litter $10–$20
Cat Food $20–$50
Food and Water Bowls $5–$20
Cat Bed $10–$50
Toys $5–$20
Scratching Post or Pad $10–$50
Cat Carrier $20–$50
Grooming Supplies $10–$30
Cat Tree or Condo $30–$100
Litter Scoop and Bags $5–$10
Initial Vaccinations and Vet Visits Varies
Spaying/Neutering $50–$450
ID Tag or Microchip  $5–$20

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How Much Does a Snowshoe Cat Cost Per Month?

  • $50–$150 per month

As we said, once you purchase all the gear your Snowshoe cat needs, you can expect to spend much less each month on upkeep. Mostly, your cat will just need food and cat litter. However, you should also expect to pay for routine vet exams (usually once a year).

Of course, your cat may need sudden veterinary care due to an accident or illness.

Health Care

  • $40–$120 per month

You can expect to spend a decent amount on health care each month. This category includes veterinary preventative care, as well as food and grooming. You may also want to consider pet insurance for your feline, as it can save you thousands in the event of an emergency.

Vet costs and pet insurance prices vary widely from one area to another.


  • $20–$50 per month

High-quality cat food is essential for your cat’s health. The cost will vary, depending on the quality and brand. Some brands are much more expensive than others, for instance, but they may not actually be that much better despite their advertising. Furthermore, some cats prefer wet food, which can be more expensive than dry food.

However, many pet owners still find that dry food works best for their feline, and you’ll also end up paying less if you decide to mix the two. Specialized diets will be even more expensive. However, most cats will not need a prescription diet unless they develop a health condition.

snowshoe cat eating
Image Credit: Yuliya Alekseeva, Shutterstock

Routine Veterinary Care

  • $10–$50 per month

You’ll need regular veterinary care for your cat, including annual check-ups and vaccinations. You’ll also need to pay for flea and tick prevention medication, which usually includes a 3 or 6-month supply.

Annual veterinary check-ups vary widely. You’ll need to budget for annual check-ups based on your location. Pet insurance does not cover this fee or other preventative care, so be sure to plan for it coming out of your pocket, even if you invest in pet insurance.


  • $0–$10 per month

Snowshoe cats have short coats and don’t require frequent grooming in most cases. However, you may need to budget for grooming supplies like brushes or combs. While they aren’t expensive, you may need to replace them occasionally. You can expect to pay more if you visit a professional groomer.

If you are looking for recommendations on the best cat brush, you should check out Hepper Cat Brush. You will hardly find different brush with so many pros - easy to clean, easy to use, durable and effective. Simply everything you need from a cat brush. Click here to order yours today.

Hepper Deshedding Cat Brush
  • ONE PUSH RELEASE - This kitten brush / cat brush pops out fur with just a simple press, leaving you...
  • DURABLE - Cat shedding can be a tough ordeal. Made of resilient ABS plastic and metal bristles with...
  • COMFORTABLE - A cat fur brush with 60 degree angled, fine bristles and rubber stoppers will bring...

At Catster, we’ve admired Hepper for many years and decided to take a controlling ownership interest so that we could benefit from the outstanding designs of this cool cat company!

Pet Insurance

  • $10–$50 per month

Pet insurance isn’t strictly required. However, it can help you pay emergency vet bills, which can cost thousands of dollars. For this reason, we highly recommend getting pet insurance if you can afford it. Prices vary widely, usually due to your zip code. As you might expect, areas with a high cost of living and higher veterinary costs typically cost more.

Cream Snowshoe Cat
Image Credit: Tawach, Shutterstock

Environmental Maintenance

  • $10–$20

Cats need regular litter box changes, which will be the bulk of their environmental maintenance. The exact cost will depend on the litter you use. For instance, clumping litter may be more expensive, but it needs to be changed less (saving you more money in the long run).

Of course, most of the time, we don’t get to pick our cat litter—our cats do. Some felines are pretty picky when it comes to the cat litter they use, so we may not get that many options!

Cat Litter $10–$20/month
Litter Box Liners (optional) $5/month

Combating tough cat litter smells is an ongoing battle for pet parents but luckily, there are products out there designed to help! Two products that significantly reduce odors are the Hepper Litter Additive and the Hepper Enzyme Spray. Find out which is better suit to your needs with our breakdown of each product below. 

Hepper Enzyme Spray - New Label Hepper Litter additive
Hepper Advanced Bio-Enzyme Pet Stain & Odor Eliminator Spray Hepper Advanced Bio-Enzyme Cat Litter Deodorizer Powder
Eliminates smells
Eliminates smells:
Eliminates smells:
Removes stains
Removes stains:
Removes stains:
Light fresh scent
Light fresh scent:
Light fresh scent:
Works on multiple surfaces
Works on multiple surfaces:
Works on multiple surfaces:
Neutralizes odor within cat litter
Neutralizes odor within cat litter:
Neutralizes odor within cat litter:

At Catster, we’ve admired Hepper for many years and decided to take a controlling ownership interest so that we could benefit from the outstanding designs of this cool cat company!


  • $5–$20 per month

Cats need toys to fulfill their exercise and mental stimulation needs. On top of usual cat toys, you’ll also want to invest in some interactive ones. Puzzle feeders are a great option for homes where your cat may be home for large portions of the day. Cats can get bored very easily, which often leads to them making their own fun (usually not what you want).

It may be easy to downplay your cat’s entertainment needs, but your flooring and couch will thank you for investing in quality toys!

Finding a toy that your cat enjoys, is genuinely drawn to, and is excited to play with can be a challenge. That's why having a few options is always a good idea until you get an idea of what gets them moving. We love the Hepper Catnip Stick and Whale Kicker for different reasons. For cats who need a little encouragement in playing, the stick is packed full of organic catnip enticing enough to lure in the laziest of felines. The Whale is a great option for cats who love to hunt, pounce, and kick! Both are extremely durable, and can be cleaned and reintroduced for play days yet to come. Find out which is best suited to you below. 

Hepper Catnip Stick Hepper_Plush Whale
Hepper Catnip Stick Hepper Whale Plush
Contains Catnip
Contains Catnip :
Contains Catnip :
Safe for KIttens
Safe for KIttens:
Safe for KIttens:
All-Natural :
All-Natural :
Washable :
Washable :

At Catster, we’ve admired Hepper for many years and decided to take a controlling ownership interest so that we could benefit from the outstanding designs of this cool cat company!

Snowshoe Cat Price: Total Monthly Cost

  • $50–$150 per month

You probably won’t have to purchase many supplies each month for your cat. The most significant expenses will be your cat’s food and cat litter, though the exact price will depend on the type you use. Some cat food is triple the cost of other cat food, so the price varies greatly.

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Additional Costs to Factor In

On top of all the costs we listed above, you should also consider some of these additional costs, which likely won’t show up with much regularity.

When you go on vacation or travel for work, you may need to hire a pet sitter or board your cat at a kennel. These costs can vary widely based on location and the level of care provided but can range from $15 to $50 per day or more. Unexpected vet costs can be exceedingly expensive, and you should have an emergency fund set aside to pay for these, even if you have pet insurance.

Cats, including Snowshoe cats, may scratch furniture, knock over objects, or have accidents that could damage your home. Consider budgeting for potential repair or replacement costs.

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Owning a Snowshoe Cat on a Budget

Plan your monthly budget for cat essentials like food, litter, and routine veterinary care. Look for sales and discounts on pet supplies, and consider buying in bulk to save money. Pet insurance can help you save money in the long run since it can reimburse you for expensive procedures. Keep this in mind when deciding whether it is worth it or not.

Saving Money on Snowshoe Cat Care

If you’re looking to save money, you can DIY all sorts of cat toys. Even interactive toys can be constructed with free online plans. Feeder toys are particularly easy to DIY, for instance. With just a bottle and some treats, you can make a slow feeder to keep your cat busy.

Preventive care can prevent problems from occurring later on, which tend to be even more expensive. Vaccines may be costly upfront, but they prevent even more costly illnesses from occurring.

cat breed snowshoe
Image Credit: EVasilieva, Shutterstock

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Owning a Snowshoe cat involves one-time and ongoing monthly costs. The initial one-time expenses can range from $100 to $400, covering supplies like a litter box, food bowls, toys, grooming tools, and initial vaccinations. However, purchasing a Snowshoe can cost thousands of dollars. They are exceptionally rare, so they tend to be expensive.

Monthly expenses can cost $55 to $150 or more and cover essentials such as high-quality cat food, litter, routine vet care, and pet insurance.

You should also plan for miscellaneous costs like grooming supplies and toys, and it’s vital to have an emergency fund for unexpected vet bills or other unforeseen expenses.

Featured Image Credit: Yuliya Alekseeva, Shutterstock

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