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Calico cats are adorable, gorgeous, and loving. However, you must first know that calico cats are not a specific cat breed. Instead, “calico” is a color pattern, not a breed. Calico cats are rarer than many other colors in cat breeds, and a male calico cat is even rarer. To know how rare calico cats are, you must first understand what a calico cat is and what makes a cat a calico.
We’ll answer these questions and more below, so join us.
What Is a Calico Cat?
As a pet lover, you’ve already heard of calico cats, but you might not completely understand what one is. A calico cat is a color pattern that appears in almost all cat breeds.
Calico cats are born tri-colored. The color of their coat is organized in random patches over the cat’s entire body in colors of orange, black, and white. This exact color pattern is what makes calico cats so unique. But what about male calico cats? Well, those are even rarer in the animal world.

How Rare Is a Male Calico Cat?
If you have a calico cat or have ever seen one, it’s very likely that the cat is a female. Male calico cats are extremely rare because of the genetics involved in this coat pattern expression.
- X chromosomes determine whether a cell will express orange or black hair.
- XX chromosomes are needed in order for a kitten to be a calico.
- Cats that have XX chromosomes are born as females.
- Male cats have XY chromosomes, which makes it almost impossible for them to be born with the calico coloring.
This isn’t to say that there are no male calico cats out there, just that it is extremely rare. In order for a male cat to have a calico coat, they need to have an extra X chromosome and be a XXY instead of the normal XY of the males.
Male calicos with XXY chromosomes also express abnormal testicular changes which make them sterile; this is known as Klinefelter Syndrome1.
Klinefelter Syndrome has been associated with other medical issues, however, most male calico cats don’t suffer health issues other than reproductive problems. If you have a male calico cat, they can live a long, happy life, and you’ll want to treasure him for the special kitty he is.

Can You Breed Calico Cats and Get Calico Cats?
No, unfortunately, you can’t breed calico cats and get calico kittens. That’s the short answer, as the expression of a calico coat coloring pattern is completely unpredictable and random. Again, this is where genetics comes in.
- X chromosomes have two versions or alleles.
- One allele is responsible for the expression of black and the other for the expression of orange color.
- Only one version or allele color can be expressed in each cell’s hair; the other one is inactivated and forms a Barr Body. This happens during the embryonic development of the female.
- The inactivation is unpredictable and any cell of the heterozygous female can express either orange or black in a random pattern known as mosaic expression.
- A calico cat’s white patches of unpigmented fur are expressed by an independent locus (S), and this genetic condition is known as piebalding.

Final Thoughts
Calico cats are unique, but it is because they have a color pattern that can spring up across almost any cat breed. Male calico cats are extremely rare due to the genetics we discussed above. If you spot a calico cat, you are probably seeing a female.
These are adorable, loving creatures and would make a good pet for anyone, and if you have a male calico cat, then you should consider yourself blessed. These cats are considered to be good luck in many countries. Whether your calico is a male or a female, they will give you plenty of love and affection if you love them and treat them with care, and that is what every pet parent wants, regardless of the color, breed, or sex of the cats they love.
Featured Image Credit: Zachariah Smith, Unsplash