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Do Ragdoll Cats Need a Companion? Will They be Happy Without One?

Written by: Christian Adams

Last Updated on June 24, 2024 by Catster Editorial Team

Ragdoll blue point little kitten in a studio

Do Ragdoll Cats Need a Companion? Will They be Happy Without One?

Known for their fluffy fur, sparkling blue eyes, and lovable personalities, Ragdoll cats are excellent companions that make them the perfect family cat. They love attention, affection, and are in constant need of companionship from their owners.

Like most cats, Ragdolls can live independently in a household, but they do crave feline companionship as well. Which begs the question, do Ragdoll cats need a companion? The answer is Yes! Ragdoll cats can easily feel lonely, so it is recommended that they have a companion to keep them company—especially if their humans are frequently out and about.

But what makes Ragdoll cats so different from other cats that can easily thrive alone? Why do they need a companion? Read on to learn more.

divider-catclaw1 Why Do Ragdoll Cats Need a Companion?

The common stereotype for cats is that they are independent and do not require as much attention compared to dogs. While this is also generally true of Ragdoll cats, they do need more attention compared to their other feline counterparts. Ragdolls, as a breed, are docile and dependent. In fact, they were bred for the purpose of companionship, giving them an innate need for socialization.

Ragdoll cats are incredibly affectionate and energetic, especially as young kittens. While they enjoy the company of their owners, they are also more at risk for loneliness and separation anxiety. Having a feline friend to socialize and play with can help ease their anxiety so they don’t feel so lonely.

For Ragdolls, socialization and companionship are just as important as a proper diet and exercise to ensure they are happy and healthy.

young woman with ragdoll cat on couch
Image Credit: rock-the-stock, Shutterstock

Signs That Your Ragdoll Cat Is Lonely

Ragdoll cats can easily get lonely, especially when their owners are not always home, putting them at risk of depression if they constantly feel alone. As pet owners, it is important to understand their behavior and monitor any changes that may suggest that they are getting lonely. The following are certain changes in behavior to watch out for:

  • Destructive behavior, such as knocking things over and destroying toys and furniture
  • Excessive vocalization
  • Going potty in other places around the house outside of their litterbox
  • Lethargy and lack of energy
  • Excessive vomiting
  • Aggression
  • Clinginess
  • Rushing to the door when they sense their humans about to leave
  • Over-grooming or lack of grooming
  • Loss of appetite

It’s important to note that not all Ragdoll cats are the same. Ragdoll cats are lovable and energetic cats, but each individual Ragdoll also has their own unique personality and behavior. They may attempt to communicate with you in their own way, and it is up to us cat parents to understand the needs of our feline friends. Some Ragdoll cats may exhibit some of the above behaviors, while some may not. Regardless, having a companion for your Ragdoll cat is beneficial to them and can help improve their overall quality of life.

While it is important to watch out for changes in behavior, these changes may not always be due to loneliness or depression. When in doubt, it is always best to consult with your veterinarian to rule out any possible health complications your Ragdoll cat may be experiencing.

How Long Can Your Ragdoll Cat Be Left Alone?

When planning to get a Ragdoll cat, a very important thing to consider is how often and for how long you usually leave home. Ragdolls may be independent cats, but they also don’t do well with long periods of isolation. Your Ragdoll cat may survive if you are gone for a typical 8-hour workday, provided that they receive a proper amount of attention and affection during the hours that you are together. But, if left alone for a few days or more, your Ragdoll cat may not do so well.

Ragdoll cats are docile and extremely dependent on companionship. They can easily feel lonely and suffer from separation anxiety, even if left alone for only a few hours. Having a fellow feline in their company can help ease their anxiety and reduce the risk of loneliness. For instances when they have to be left alone for more than a few days, hiring a pet-sitter is recommended.

When left alone, leaving appropriate amounts of food and water is recommended. They also need an outlet to stimulate themselves, such as toys and scratching posts. Giving your Ragdoll cat access to view out a window is also a good way for them to entertain themselves when left alone.

two bicolor Seal Ragdoll Cats on cat tree
Image Credit: Nils Jacobi, Shutterstock

Benefits of Having a Companion

Having a companion for your Ragdoll is very important for their overall well-being. For one, they will always have someone to talk to and they won’t feel so alone when their owners leave the house. They are a clingy and needy breed of cat, so they can receive some amount of attention from their feline friend, rather than fully depending on their owner for it.

In addition, having a companion can also reduce their destructive behavior, clinginess, and aggression. Companionship will keep them engaged and stimulated through play and mutual grooming, improving their overall quality of life.

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Who Would Make a Good Companion for Your Ragdoll Cat?

Ragdoll cats are a sociable breed and can get along with almost any kind of cat. Yes, they can even get along with dogs! Ragdoll cats are calm and friendly, so other breeds of cat that have a similar level of energy and personality is recommended. Getting a cat similar in activity level and age is also recommended to prevent any tension or unwanted conflict between cats. Kittens are also a good option, as older cats do not tend to perceive younger kittens as threats and will also have a natural protective behavior toward the more fragile kitten.

Cat breeds that generally get along with Ragdoll cats include:

When introducing a new cat into your Ragdoll’s family, it is important to be patient and let them warm up to each other before letting them interact unsupervised. This may take time and patience, but it will ultimately be beneficial for your Ragdoll’s well-being. Just be sure to monitor any negative or aggressive behaviors to prevent any unwanted conflicts between the cats.

divider-catclaw1 Conclusion

Ragdoll cats are a docile and dependent cat breed that requires more attention than other breeds. While they may do well on their own for short periods of time, Ragdoll cats can easily feel lonely and depressed when left alone. Fortunately, they can easily get along with other pets—both cats and dogs. Adorable, affectionate, and full of personality, Ragdoll cats live their best life in the company of their owners and other fellow pets!

Featured Image Credit: dezy, Shutterstock

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