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5 Cat Breeds That Like to Travel: Pictures, Facts & Tips

Written by: Rachael Gerkensmeyer

Last Updated on June 19, 2024 by Nicole Cosgrove

cat inside carrier beside luggage

5 Cat Breeds That Like to Travel: Pictures, Facts & Tips

When people think of cats, they usually think of soft creatures snuggling up on the couch or in a corner somewhere—not hardy animals traveling with their human companions. Most of us have experienced the sight and sound of a wailing cat in a carrier on the way into or out of the veterinarian’s office!

However, while it’s true that most cats are not interested in traveling, there are a few cat breeds that can tolerate (and even enjoy!) traveling with their companions, whether for a move, business, or pleasure. If you like to travel and want a cat that can keep you company during your adventures, here are the breeds to consider.

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How Are Travel Cats Classified?

It’s important to pinpoint what makes a travel-friendly cat overall. First, cats that are good travelers can adapt to new situations easily and quickly. Second, they adjust to new environments without much stress, if any at all. Third, they tend to tolerate different landscapes and climates easily. Finally, they are extremely bonded with their human companions

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The 5 Cat Breeds That Enjoy (or at Least Tolerate) Traveling

Here are the cat breeds that are tolerant of or that outright enjoy traveling.

1. Chartreux

Chartreux Cat on the floor
Image Credit: Michael Hahn, Shutterstock
Origin: Iran, Turkey, and territories of Syria
Lifespan: Between 11 and 15 years
Weight: 7–17 pounds

This medium-sized cat breed is thought of as a gentle giant. They travel well and don’t mind riding in a carrier, whether by car or plane. However, they can weigh up to 17 pounds, so they might not be able to fly in the cabin of a plane or train. The Chartreux is a social creature that gets along well with kids and strangers when necessary.

2. Chantilly-Tiffany

Grey Chantilly Tiffany cat on the tower house
Image Credit: JulieK2, Shutterstock
Origin: The Netherlands
Lifespan: 11 to 15 years
Weight: 6- 12 pounds

These cats tend to be easygoing and calm by nature. They have long, luxurious hair that helps keep them warm and comforted while they travel, but it must be brushed regularly to keep shedding under control. The Chantilly-Tiffany tends to be low maintenance and quiet, making them good hotel companions.

3. Japanese Bobtail

Black and white japanese bobtail
Image Credit: dien, Shutterstock
Origin: Japan
Lifespan: Between 9 and 15 years
Weight: 8–10 pounds

This confident cat breed adapts to new places easily and can make themselves at home quickly even among new people and circumstances. Japanese Bobtails are generally healthy cats that can enjoy an outdoor adventure (on a leash) in the rain, shine, or snow. According to folklore, the Japanese Bobtail is a symbol of good luck, which should help ensure that your travels are always successful.

4. Pixie-Bob

Pixie-Bob Cat sitting in a white background
Image Credit: Nynke van Holten, Shutterstock
Origin: The United States
Lifespan: 13 to 15 years
Weight: 8–17 pounds

These little cats may look wild, but they are tame felines that can develop extremely strong bonds with their human companions. The average Pixie-Bob tends to enjoy traveling in vehicles, especially if they can look out the window at the wider world. They have dog-like tendencies too, such as walking on a leash and playing fetch for exercise.

5. Scottish Fold

grey and white Scottish Fold cat
Image Credit: Eric Isselee, Shutterstock
Origin: Scotland
Lifespan: Between 14 and 16 years
Weight: 8–14 pounds

Affectionate and curious, the Scottish Fold can make a great travel companion. They are known for easy adaptation to new environments and situations, and they can get along with strange people and animals. They are also known to be great leash walkers.

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Tips for Traveling With Your Feline Companion

  • Always keep your kitty in a carrier while you’re on the road. All it takes is a quick opening of the vehicle door to lose a cat that’s not constrained. It can be tough, if not impossible, to find a missing cat in a strange location away from home.
  • Keep things calm and quiet whenever possible as you travel in a vehicle, plane, or train with your cat. Felines have a strong sense of hearing, and abundant noise and/or seeming chaos can cause unnecessary panic and stress.
  • Travel in planes that allow you to sit with your cat in the cabin. Otherwise, they will be traveling with the luggage, which isn’t nearly as comfortable and is typically more stressful.
  • Make sure that any hotel that you stay at allows cats and that they know that your cat will be in your room with you. Chances are that your kitty will make a bit of noise and let their presence be known, no matter what. Not disclosing that a cat is with you can result in your being prematurely kicked out of your hotel room and scrambling for new accommodations.
  • Always bring along collapsible food and water dishes and a small litter box with litter, so you can set up a nice “home” for your cat and make them feel more comfortable wherever you are, whether you’re just laying your head down for a night or spending extended time vacationing.

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Traveling with a cat can be enjoyable, especially when the cat is a breed that naturally tolerates traveling—at least to a certain extent. The five cat breeds highlighted here are all great traveling buddy options to consider. Get to know more about each of their personalities and care needs before making a final decision about which would be the best fit for your traveling aspirations.

Featured Image Credit by: Monika Wisniewska, Shutterstock

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