One of the most heart-warming feelings is a kitty rubbing up against you, asking to be pet. But have you ever stopped to wonder what those gestures mean in cat language? There are two main ways a cat rubs their human friends—something called head bunting and leg rubbing.
Body language can teach you so many important things about how your cat feels. When they give attention, it’s only natural to reciprocate. But what if it’s not the attention they seek? Find out what each of these actions means so you can better decode kitty speak.
Cats & Olfactory Senses
Smell is your cat’s primary sense. They use scent more than any of the others to learn things about their surroundings. Unlike people who only have 5 million odor sensors, cats have over 200 million! While they use their nose to navigate their surroundings, they also leave a trail of their own.
Cats have scent glands on their face (among other places), and whenever a cat rubs their head on you in a loving manner, they’re essentially transferring their scent onto you—kind of a claiming tactic (aw!).
Types of Cat Rubbing
There is a different meaning to each way your feline approaches you. Most commonly, when a kitty rubs against your leg or hand—they’re trying to accomplish something more than just being affectionate. It’s a means of communication, but what are they trying to say?
1. Head Bunting
We’ve all been bunted before—your cat just comes up and forces you to pet them by pushing their head into your palm. But are they demanding attention, or is it something more?
Bunting is a well observed trait—big cats do this to each other in the wild. Another term for the behavior is “allorubbing.” They use this method to gather your scent and leave their own on you. It’s very much a territorial, lovable gesture.
Ultimately, your cat is saying that you’re part of their circle, and they left their mark to prove it’s true.

2. Leg Rubbing
Leg rubbing is something even people who don’t own cats have probably encountered. This is a greeting to say hello—but it’s also a way to mark you, or to grab your attention (if it’s worked before for this purpose). Some cats will do this to strangers if they’re extra friendly, but most reserve this behavior for their humans.
You might find that they rub on your legs when they are welcoming you or when they’re hungry. We’ve all tripped over our cats as they weave through our legs, begging for food or scratches with loud meows. Cats will even rub against inanimate objects in this manner.
While it can be a nuisance when we’re in a hurry, it’s an adorable gesture from our feline friends that every cat lover can appreciate.
3. Rolling
When a cat is rolling, it’s often a sign of happiness and contentment. You might find them rolling to show you their belly when you enter the room. This is likely your cat’s way of saying they’re pleased with whatever is going on, and they’re excited to see you.
If you’re lying next to your kitty, they may roll onto you while purring. They are comfortable, cozy, and love their current company. Be careful, though—we all know how one accidental touch of the tummy can send your cat into attack mode, gloves off!

4. Smelling or Rubbing on Human Feet
If your feet are sweating or secreting any scents, you might not always smell it, but your kitties do.
If you’re relaxing in your recliner and your cat won’t stop rubbing and sniffing your feet, they are probably just checking out the scents your body is putting off. They may want to contribute to these scents by giving you some of their own.
Final Thoughts
So, now we know that almost all feline rubbing has to do with marking. It is yet another way cats can use scent glands to show possession—both of other beings and their territory.
Kitties have interesting body language—including their bunting and marking. It is fascinating just how they perceive us, and it is always best to know how they feel about you. Rubbing against you means they leave their stamp of approval—and that should make you feel special.
Related Reads:
- Cat Bunting: What Is It? Feline Behavior Explained
- Adorable DIY Christmas Gifts for Cats & Cat Lovers (With Pictures)
Featured Image Credit: Irina Kozorog, Shutterstock
Why my cat rubs her head on my feet then suddenly bites it?
Hi Cristy,
Thank you for your question! It's quite common for cats to rub their heads as a sign of affection or to mark their territory, but the sudden bite might be their way of playing or communicating.
For more insights, I recommend checking out this article:
Kind Regards