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13 Cat Sleeping Positions Explained (With Pictures)

Written by: Cassidy Sutton

Last Updated on June 26, 2024 by Catster Editorial Team

cat sleeping outdoors

13 Cat Sleeping Positions Explained (With Pictures)

Interested in why your cat sleeps the way they do? You’re not alone. Cat owners are intrigued by the unorthodox sleeping positions of the feline community. In this post, we’re explaining 13 sleeping positions and why cats love them, along with where cats like to sleep. But watch out—two positions could be a medical concern. Let’s get started.

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The 13 Cat Sleeping Positions

Cat sleeping positions 1
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Every cat has their go-to position for a blissful snooze, but each cat chooses a position based on warmth and protection. Let’s begin with the most popular postures and the benefits of each one.

1. The Classic Loaf

Ginger cat sitting in the loaf position on the floor
Image Credit: haru, Shutterstock

The classic cat loaf is one of the most popular cat positions, with no paw in sight. Cats like this position because it is cozy and traps their body heat. It also allows cats to jump up quickly should they need to run away.

2. The Half-Loaf

Fluffy cat lying in the sunshine with eyes closed
Image Credit: Marton Szeles, Shutterstock

The half-loaf is like the classic loaf, except the front paws barely poke out in front. This gives the cat a faster response time if they need to hide.

3. The Croissant

Cat Sleeping
Image Credit: 272447, Pixabay

This position is when your cat turns into a delicious French biscuit. Cats like to curl into a tight crescent shape, almost into a ball, with the back paws touching the forehead. This is a great position for staying warm and protecting vital organs while enjoying a deep sleep.

4. The Log

cat sleeping on the floor
Image Credit: PHONSIN AUPPACHAI, Shutterstock

When your cat lays flat on their belly with their legs stretched as far as they’ll go, they’re doing The Log. This position means your cat is care-free, confident, and comfortable. All the vital organs are exposed, but your cat believes they’re safe from harm.

You should avoid rubbing your cat’s belly when in this position unless you’re positive your cat won’t mind.

5. The Superman

orange polydactyl cat sleeping
Image Credit: Lux Blue, Shutterstock

Also called splooting, this position is when the cat lies on their belly like they’re about to take flight.

Cats like this position for a variety of reasons. Cats can lay bellies on cold floor tiles during the blistering summer months. Laying on a blanket or carpet helps conserve body heat during the winter. In both cases, the vital organs are protected, and the cat can spring into action if needed.

6. The Side Sprawl

a cat sleeping with a sleepy smile
Image Credit: antibydni, Shutterstock

Cats that need to stretch their legs during a kitty snooze may enjoy the Side Sprawl. Sleeping felines will stretch their legs as far as possible and sometimes make biscuits along the way. If they have the space, cats will take advantage of the Side Sprawl.

We find that cats that enjoy personal space tend to be side sprawlers, compared to the cats who prefer close croissant cuddles.

7. The Pretzel

Cat sleeping curled up by the window
Image Credit: rai106, Shutterstock

Also called The Contortionist, this position exhibits a cat’s natural flexibility. It may not look comfortable, but cats can twist their bodies into fuzzy pretzel shapes thanks to their loose joints.

Cats typically lay on their backs to do the pretzel, but they can lay in any position they want. The rest is up to the cat.

8. The Faceplant

Cat sleeping positions 2
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Cats in the Classic Loaf or Half Loaf positions may nod off to the point where they faceplant into the ground, head first. It’s an odd sleeping position, but it works. Cats will opt for loafing positions when they crave security, but sometimes drowsiness wins, and their noggin’ touches the ground.

9. The Little Spoon

orange twin cats sleeping
Image Credit: Tucker Horan Media, Shutterstock

Is your kitty a snuggle bug? Some cats always want a sleeping buddy and prefer to be the little spoon. Cats may choose their owner, the dog, or another cat to snuggle next to. Either one will work as long as there’s another heartbeat next to your kitty.

10. The Visor

white cat sleep
Image Credit: Shannon, Pixabay

Some cats will cover their eyes with their paws to sleep! These cats are already in a side plant or croissant position, so their front paws can easily block their eyes. The sleeping position is adorable, to say the least.

11. The Ab Crunch

fat brown tabby cat on the sofa
Image Credit:, Shutterstock

It’s called The Ab Crunch, but cats aren’t walking away with beautifully sculpted abs in this sleeping position. Cats sometimes fall asleep with their backs slightly elevated, giving the illusion that they were working out before they dozed off.

12. The Kitty Pile

kittens sleeping
Image Credit: luxstorm, Pixabay

One of the first behaviors kittens learn is to pile on each other for maximum comfort and warmth. Some cats continue with this behavior, especially close-knit siblings. Unrelated cats will do the same, especially if they’ve known each other their entire lives, but you see it frequently with siblings.

13. The Half and Half

a cat sleeping with one eye half open
Image Credit: mariya_m, Pixabay

At some point, you’ll notice your cat sleeping with its eyes partially open. It’s a little creepy but completely normal.

Like humans, cats have sleep phases, so some periods of sleep are deeper than others. Cats sleep with their eyes open when casually catching a few ZZZ’s and not entering dreamland. This allows cats to stay on alert if needed.

Cats also have a third eyelid, which offers protection even when sleeping. The third eyelid stays closed slightly when the outer eyelids open, so your cat can rest.

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Where Do Cats Like to Sleep?

Their unique flexibility allows cats to squeeze into spaces humans and dogs can’t reach. Here are some neat places you’ll often find your cat snoozing.

1. In Their Beds

Of course, this is only if they have a bed they love and simply cannot get enough of!

Our Favorite Cat Bed

Hepper Cat Nest Bed
  • HAPPY COZY CATS - Your kitty will bask in luxurious sherpa-lined comfort while feeling warm, safe,...
  • MODERN DESIGN - Contemporary styling with upholstered fabric construction; just like your human...
  • WARM FLEECE LINER - Self warming, thick sherpa fleece with microfiber trim.

Cats sleep away majority of the day so finding a bed thats supportive, warm and secure is key. Most cats find the modern design of the Hepper Nest Bed irresistible making it a practical option if your looking for a rest spot your cat will use consistently. Its supportive and caters to felines of all ages, sizes and ailments. The portability means that your cat can nap wherever you go - your desk, couch, side table or even your bed. Learn more about the heavenly Nest here.

At Catster, we’ve admired Hepper for many years and decided to take a controlling ownership interest so that we could benefit from the outstanding designs of this cool cat company!

2. On Your Chest

Nothing beats a purring cat resting against your heartbeat. Cats love spending quality time with their owners, and lying on your chest is one way to feel connected with the one who offers food. Speaking of food, your chest is the perfect pawing zone when the clock strikes kibble time.

3. Crammed in a Box

A ginger cat sleeps in box paper, selective focus
Image Credit: CPM Photo, Shutterstock

Thank you, Amazon, for providing the world’s cats with sleeping quarters. Cats love boxes simply because they offer security and protection. Better yet, they’re fun to hide inside while they wait for you to walk by so they can attack!

4. Under a Blanket

Blankets are warm, cozy, and safe. They act as a shield from other animals and loud noises. They also offer privacy in a way that cat beds and boxes can’t provide. But should you be worried about letting Fluffy under the covers? It depends. Adult cats wouldn’t put themselves into dangerous situations; however, with kittens it is advised to keep a close eye on them and prevent them from going under heavy covers. You should also watch out not to squish them, and your cats will be fine!

5. Between Your Legs

sleepy cat laying on the lap of owner
Image Credit: Aleneza Ozerova, Shutterstock

If you haven’t noticed, cats like to sleep in between things. The space between your legs is nice because it isn’t restrictive, and you’re close by for casual cuddles. Plus, it’s nice and toasty!

6. On Your Head

Like sleeping on your feet, your head is warm, allowing your cat to squeeze in snuggle time. If you sleep with blankets over your entire body your cat might choose to sleep on your head to have direct contact with you.

7. On Your Feet

Cats choose to sleep on your feet for several reasons. Sleeping on your feet is another way for your cat to snuggle with you. Your feet will keep them warm and offer your cat an ideal place to enjoy a restful sleep.

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When to Worry About Your Cat

There are a couple of times when you should be concerned for your cat. Call your veterinarian for further instructions if you notice your cat doing these things.

1. Head Pressing

Head pressing is when your cat firmly presses their head against a wall or object for no reason and an extended period. Cats that head press generally keep pressing their heads over and over, moving along the wall until they’re stuck in a corner. It may look like your cat is sleeping against the wall.

In addition, you may notice other odd signs in your cat, like vertigo, disorientation, behavior changes, and damage to the eyes from constant head pressing. This isn’t the same as a cat rubbing its face on yours, nor is it the same as head bonking. These are normal behaviors seen in a healthy, happy kitty.

Unfortunately, head pressing is a serious medical issue related to the brain, and it should be evaluated immediately.

Cat sleeping while pressing head against wall
Image Credit: puha dorin, Shutterstock

2. Sleeping in the Litter Box

Sleeping in the litter box can stem from various reasons, but the most common causes are illness and fear.

Cats will sit in their stank if they feel threatened, frightened, and unsure of their surroundings. The litter box is full to the brim of their scent and is usually located in a quiet place, so it feels secure.

Other times, cats sit in the litter box if they feel crummy, usually from UTIs and other digestive issues. Senior cats suffering from arthritis or dementia are often found in the litter box because they struggle to walk to or find the box.

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Cats are crazy critters with weird sleeping positions. For many, the Classic Loaf or Croissant is their go-to for a good night’s sleep. But a cat’s flexibility allows it to sleep in all kinds of positions. What position does your cat like the most?

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Featured Image Credit: hapibu, Pixabay

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